Saturday, March 29, 2008

He was dapper, she was a natural beauty...

Cousin Pam sent me this picture of my Great Grandparents, Lougena and George Doss. It's believed to be their wedding photograph, November 8, 1878. Family history is a wonderful thing, isn't it?

Are you a cherry lover, like me???

I've eaten Smuckers Sugar Free (10 calories per tablespoon) preserves for a few years now. Orange Marmalade, Strawberry, Peach, Blackberry, Apricot, they're all okay, but nothing special, until now...

I'm a HUGE fan of anything cherry and the good people at Smuckers have recently introduced Sugar Free Cherry Preserves. Same calorie count, and IMO, an amazing taste considering it's practically no calories.

So far I've just had them on a bagel and on a whole grain english muffin, yes, in my salad plate, but I'm thinking they might be really good spooned on a roasted chicken breast.

I should have posted this on the Eating Right Board, but didn't want you all to miss it. It's a good thing. ~ jan

Friday, March 28, 2008

Driving Miss Daisy....

Yes, this really is what it looks like... Trish and I were out today with Mags and London in tow, taking pictures. I was driving thru a subdivision and little Ms. Maggie Moo decided that she would "help" me steer.

Don't gasp, it was perfectly safe, there were no cars around and no curbs to run over... and Mags is an excellent driver. Giggle 2

A little tweak....

I updated my index page today... The photo of Tonia at the top left side of the page smelling a fleur has always been my favorite picture of her. I've used it countless times and it always brightens my day. Last year Tonia took this picture of Linds with her nose in a fleur, (it's in the bottom right corner) so naturally I love it, too.

Both my Dillys are adorable. I'm a really lucky Milly.


Earlier this week when Nisha was here we were shopping, she was in the dressing room, I was sitting in a chair and it just so happened that that chair faced those triple mirror thingies....

Holy Crap! I look like friggin Poppin Fresh! I do, I swear I'm a total bloat hawg... You would think that all the problems I've had since the first of the year, broken tooth, losing Munchie, that icky virus that's still not quite gone, that I would lose weight. Oh no, not Dumpy Dora here, I comfort carb ate! And now it's reality time, and it ain't pretty, girlfriends... I'm packed into those size 12 "stretch" jeans like a snausage in it's casing... I give new meaning to the word "muffin top." But heaven forbid I go up a size, oh no, I'll just continue to torture my poor body with my too little jeans. Maybe the sheer pain of it all will help me get a grip...

So I'm eating off that darned salad plate. Actually it wasn't so bad... I walked 2/3 of a mile yesterday, a huffin and a puffin, listening to that great Raising Sand cd on my Ipod, and I ate totally healthy. That's one day down, and a badzillion more to go. Are any of you out there trying that plate trick? I know a lot of you are nodding your heads in total understanding here... I'm not alone. That thick middle is the bane of most post menopausal women. Well, I always had a thick waist if I'm perfectly honest, it's just worse, now...

Oh joyous spring. No capes, no sweaters to hide behind. That mirror is enough to drive me middle aged crazy!!! Gotta blame it on something! Going Berserk

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A long, long time ago....

When I was a little girl in the 50's I had a Terri Lee Doll. Oh my, was she special to me. She had a suitcase full of clothes, and a gorgeous, I thought, face and hair, Mother even sent her to the doll hospital to be rewigged and repainted after she became a bit shopworn... A few weeks ago I was reading the Heavensville Obituaries, ya, I know old people read the obits, anyway, they had a picture of a lady who had died, a very elegant woman and she had been a designer for Terri Lee doll clothes.

So of course this took me on a trip down memory lane. My mother, who never got rid of anything, somehow managed to get rid of Terri Lee. She is worth major money today in the secondary marke, but of course I wouldn't sell her, I just wish I still had her.

My first doll was Amosandra, a little black rubber doll from the Amos 'n Andy show, and she was always my favorite. She deteriorated over the years, her head melted and we put her away in a drawer. By the time I was grown she was completely ruined, but in the 90's dear hubby found one at an antique dealer's house and bought her for me again. I think he had to cough up $75.00 for her, and guess what... yep, she melted, too... I also had Tiny Tears and Betsey Wetsey, oh I was a real doll lover when I was little.

So much for the trip down memory lane, but Here is Terri Lee's website if you want to take a look. She was such a beauty...

I'm just full of news this morning...

I'm watching The View, and Babs is talking about a special airing next Tuesday on ABC, "How to Live to Be 150" and one of the doctors says that we should all eat off of salad plates, and by doing this, we would automatically eat less.

Well, I've heard this theory for years, as I'm sure you have, but never done it. Guess what, I'm going to give it a try. Do any of you want to try this with me? Let's give it a go for a couple of days and see if it helps? What do you say? I'll follow up on this with you all...

And the cutest of all...

Trish took this picture last year of Maggie and London romping in the grass. Maggie looks like she is blowing raspberries on London's tummy...

Green grass, ladies, oh I can't wait!!!! Imagine the smell of the freshly mown grass, blooming trees and fleurs, oh doesn't that sound divine???

Some rainy Thursday morning giggles for you...

There is nothing any cuter than animals. A big thanks to cousin Phyllis who sent me these shots this morning, they're guaranteed to tug at your heartstrings.

My fave? Can't decide, all of them are so darned cute! Of course I love the Yorkie all buckled in and sound asleep, but that dog with the three tennis balls in his mouth made me laugh outloud, and the doxxie drinking thru the straw, and of course the dog peering thru the hole in the fence, and the ones in the swing are just precious. I see a definite pattern here, notice I said nada about the cats, even though one is snuggled against my favorite thing in the world, a petite bebe...

You can click to enlarge the pictures if you want a closer view...

Good Morning....

I checked the stats on my pages, and my viewership is up, sharply. I don't know where all of you are coming from, but I'm glad you're here, and hope you enjoy my nonsense.

Just wanted you to know that I'm totally doomed. I'm watching GMA and they are saying that belly fat, even if you aren't that overweight, triples your chances for dementia. If you are 35" or more around your belly button you are in trouble. I'm SO glad to hear that... Jeez, I had better blog while I can cause my mind is gonna be mush, well it pretty well already is, but at least now I know why... You all know that I'm still trying to lose that baby weight, and Ryan is how old now, ummmmmm, 32? I'm workin' on it, though, I'm workin' on it. OMG, they just measured Diane Sawyer, she's 28.5 inches around her middle. And to think that I "used" to think she was wonderful! That's obscene, 28.5 inches and she's in her 60's. How does she do it???

Oh, now I'm thoroughly depressed. I'm off to drown my sorrows in a glass of water! Angry 2

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Going to Louisville?

My friend Janet told me about Havana Rumba in Louisville a few months ago. Her family raves about it... And since our family loves Cuban food, I'm a fan of black beans and rice, and the Cuban Sandwiches are always to die for, and because it's a bit of a dive, and our family are huge fans of hole-in-the-wall places serving great food, this place was a must try.

Ry was in Louisville on business last night, so he checked it out for us. He loved it, and Ryan seldom has glowing reviews for any resturant, he's a really hard sell.

Here's their website if you want to check out the menu. I already have my meal planned. I'll start with the Cuban Tamales, followed by Ensalada Tropical. My entree will be Fricase de Pollo, and then I'll finish it off with either Tia's Flan or Tres Leche. I bet they make a mean Mojito, too!

Just a little info if you are going to be in the area, you might want to give it a try, also.

A little bit of this, a little bit of that...

Ryan made Chicken Piccata, a recipe I had posted on Jan Can Cook a few weeks ago. It was, without a doubt, one of the best chicken dishes I've ever had. For the sauce reduction he used mostly chicken broth with just a splash of white wine.

We had wild rice and peas with it, next time we're going to do baby carrots for more color and fettucine tossed with garlic butter.

If you're a lemon lover, this is the dish for you. It's wonderful, and really easy to make. He sauteed the chicken and kept it warm in the oven while making the sauce, just like the recipe called for. It's a winner, girlfriends...

I had to post a cow pix for you. That darned fence was in my way, though. Next trip I'm gonna climb the fence! Now that should be a Kodak moment!!!

Nisha and I are pretty much like Lucy and Ethel every time we are
together. We didn't have too many mishaps this trip, except for me breaking two bottles of jam, one in front of the fridge, and the replacement jar in the checkout lane at the grocery store. Jeez, I'm such a doofus. Exept for putting hubby's salad in the fridge and turning it upside down on the floor, yep, same spot where I spilled the jam, and driving my car over the curb at Shoe Zoo yesterday, we did pretty good. Well I did squirt my pepperoncini all over her shirt in the restaurant last night when I took a bite. Blushing 2

I'm still not back in my groove yet, I did make a quick page this afternoon for Kylie, Ryan and Lindsay's cute little next door neighbor. She loves Yorkies and thought Maggie was adorable, so I snapped their picture and made this page. Sweet little girl + sweet little dog = sweet little page.

That's it from Heavensville tonight, gang. I'm off to bubble bath and an early bed with a great read.

Hubby is working the next few days, so I'll be on here, scouting out the good stuff for you. Check back...

~ jan

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Meet Lucy.....

Isn't she a sweetheart? Lucy, Nisha's Cocker Spaniel is eleven years old now, and she just loves Maggie's bed. Maggie however, hates her new bed and refuses to have anything to do with it.

We thought about posting pictures of Nisha and Charlie, but nah, the dog is much more photogenic...

They're going home tomorrow, so I'll be back with my regular nonsense. My blogs have been pretty sparse lately, I've been busy, girlfriends....

CYA 'round the water cooler, this time, tomorrow...

Monday, March 24, 2008

I'm a busy little bee....

I made Ramona's Butterfly Garden Salad with Poppyseed Dressing for Nisha today. It's so good, and it's in the Spring Fling section of this blog, just look in the left sidebar. I wish I would have reminded all of you about the Spring Fling recipes before Easter, lots of goodies there, you might want to check it out. Here's a quick CLICK...

No time to blog, I'll get back on here later when things quiet down...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Such a good day...

Trish brought her granddaughter, Larkin, over this morning. Oh, isn't she adorable in her "Easter Dress."

Check out the little red purse, she looked so cute, girlfriends, there is nothing like a precious little girl to make your day. She's nineteen months old now, oh I just can't get over how that little purse is strapped across her like a mini messenger bag.

I was giving Maggie a bath, Larkin's big eyes were watching her, and she went home and told her Daddy that the dog was all wet...

Maggie and I then visited my friend, Bettye, in the nursing home where I managed to once again lock my keys in the car. Trish had to come rescue me with another set of keys.

Marti and I went to dinner, then went to her son's house where he has the cutest little ten month old boy you've ever seen. No pictures of him, darn it. He smiled and laughed and romped in the living room. It was just wonderful.

And that was my day. It was a good Easter, totally unplanned, sometimes those are the best.

Nisha and Charlie are coming to visit tomorrow. Nish is on spring break, so they will be here for a few days. I'll update you all later, lots to tell, good recipes to share from our trip. Just no time.

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