Life is unexpected, but that’s what makes it fun. Bulletin board has to wait, sorry guys, I know, I know, I PINKIE swore, too.
Life is unexpected, but that’s what makes it fun. Bulletin board has to wait, sorry guys, I know, I know, I PINKIE swore, too.
This has taken way too long, but it was such fun. And yes, I’m the queen of overkill, so there is a lot of stuff on it, but I do love it.
All my favorite things right in front of me on the computer, so now I can gaze up and look at them anytime I want. Lots of smiles to look at.
But we all know that bulletin boards are never finished, and I’m missing some friend’s pictures, but I’ll add to and take away when I have time.
You want to see it? Just for all of you, I not only have pictures, but detailed instructions in case you love it, too, and want one. Coming this afternoon.
Pinkie swear…
~ jan
The kids just left, the house is too quiet now. *sigh* It was such a good visit, despite the gawdawful temperatures that have turned my Home Sweet Heavensville into Hellville, we had a wonderful time.
I won’t even go into how nauseating this heat is, you’re all right there with me. We had so much fun, despite the fact that we were prisoners inside the house. Even the fireworks weren’t as enjoyable as past years.
We did have Posey County cantaloupe, pictured above, which is the best fruit you’ve ever put in your mouth. It’s grown nearby in sandy soil, prolific, despite the draught this year, and the flavor is absolutely amazing. Deanna just loved it, it was so refreshing…
We did venture out to the movies and actually saw something that we all enjoyed, The Lucky One. It was so good, here’s a trailer if you’re interested.
John helped us all week, it was wonderful to get things done. Best of all, he and LC built my bulletin board, which is totally fabulous, imo. I took lots of pictures while they were building it, and I’ll post soon. It turned out better than I thought it would, and I knew it would be great, the fabric just totally makes it! I’m so excited.
We had great food, too, I posted recipes for White Wine Sangria and Lemon Raspberry Muffins on Jan CAN Cook.
But for now, I’m going to eat lunch, kick back and just do nothing. Then I must finish up the new header. I’m almost there…
~ jan
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