Saturday, December 1, 2007

Okay, here's the deal...

I have been knee deep in Christmas decorations for the past two days. The house has been pretty much destroyed, trying to get it all out, all up. Is it finished - NOT. Tree is up, not decorated, yet. Mantle is finished, dining room and kitchen are done... And FAVORITE THINGS???? NOT DONE!!! Patience, dear hearts, tomorrow, I pinkie swear..........

Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's only a day away.....

Friday, November 30, 2007

It was just one of those nights....

Okay, this is more info than you want to hear, but haven't we all had these nights???

I was off to bed early, took a warm bath, went to bed at 9pm with a BIG mug of hot tea, all cozy, relaxed, THEN, I decided to check out some Christmas present ideas on Amazon, so I fired up my laptop, after finding what I wanted to look up, I decided to play some stupid, silly computer game. At 11:15 the battery on my laptop died, I was still playing that dumb game, and by now I'm totally awake, no chance of just drifting off to sleep. So I make a bathroom run, settle in for the night,FINALLY get to sleep, and LC jumps up and turns on the light. He thought Munchie was crying. Arughhh, it's 1AM, Munchie is fast asleep at the foot of the bed. He was DREAMING... I'm awake, I make a potty run, go back to sleep and it's now 3AM - I'm awake, I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S THAT DAMN MUG OF TEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Back to sleep, fast forward to 5:30AM - Munchie is whining, she has to go outside, I wake up LC, go once again to the bathroom, and I'm back to sleep. It's 7:30AM - he comes bursting in the room singing friggin' Jingle Bells. I'm about ready to lose it by now. And today we have to put up the Christmas tree and decorate the house. And I'm so tired I feel pretty much like a pile of day old dog doodoo...

Is this why old people never drink fluids after 6pm. Is this what my future holds? Calgon take me away.................................

On a more positive note, I'm not retaining fluid this morning *lame smile*

I'm off to decorate, Favorite Things posts tomorrow, I'm sure you'll enjoy reading about all our favorite things more than you have enjoyed reading about my potty runs....

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I recycle my apple cores...

Veronica brought Michigan apples to me from her Thanksgiving trip to South Haven, and they taste AMAZING. I'm not the only one who thinks so, The M&M's line up for bites when I'm eating them and then I take turns giving them the cores to chew on. Oh, I wish you could see them, they lick and tug, and rake their teeth over those cores, drooling and making little doggie messes, but oh, do they love them....

It's those simple things, ladies....

I admit it....

I enjoy Martha Stewart, I always have, always will. Am I fan, well I don't think I am, but I do follow her, so maybe I am.

Anyhoo, her Martha Blog is SO interesting. If you want to see some lovely pictures from Puget Sound, and great Thanksgiving photos, give it a look - CLICK HERE -

I like to think this is a more personal, gentler side of Martha....

And YES, I'm still working on Favorite Things, I have EVERYBODY'S finished except MINE.... Soon, ladies, soon....

Cancer Prevention -

I read the following article this morning, no surprises, really, but something we should all read.

~ jan

People have long wondered if a healthy diet can prevent cancer, but the answer has been a little unclear — until recently. The World Cancer Research Fund has now reviewed 7,000 medical studies and concluded that, yes, your diet (and weight) can affect whether you get cancer or not. While this large analysis focused only on past research studies, you may still be surprised by the scientists' recommendations.The researchers' diet recommendations are to:

  • limit red meat to no more than 2.5 ounces per day
  • eat no processed meats (bacon, sausage)
  • limit alcohol to two drinks for men and one drink for women per day
  • avoid sugary drinks like juices and sodas
  • limit sodium to 2000 mg per day

  • Other recommendations beyond those for diet included:
  • exercise every other day
  • get your nutrients from foods, not supplements
  • breastfeed your babies
  • control your body weight with body mass index between 18.5 and 24.9
  • Wednesday, November 28, 2007

    Favorite Things...

    No time to blog, working on Favorite Things. It's all coming together nicely, if you haven't sent me your faves, your missing out girlfriends. This is pretty much your last chance to send them to me -
    I'll be back with a link to the list soon. Check back.

    ~ jan

    Tuesday, November 27, 2007

    Another one of my favorite things...

    This old jar has held a LOT of goodies over the years. I change it with the seasons, and I'm getting ready to put Little Debbie Christmas Trees in it for the Christmas season. Hey, don't turn up your nose, Little Debbie Christmas Tree's are adorable...

    Veronica had a jar like this in her kitchen, and I always admired it, so a few years ago, she gave me one. The lid was on loan from her until I could find a lid myself, but since possession is nine-tenths of the law, I still have it. I never found one as pretty as her green one.

    If you look closely, you will see flour on the front. That's flour from my birthday cake. ( note the mixer cord in the picture). John whipped me up an Angel Food Cake Sunday morning, and dear son of mine made a bit of a mess. It was so special, I couldn't clean it off.

    Yeah, right Jan, you were just too LAZY to clean it off. No, really, I didn't even notice it until I started to take the picture, and then I was like, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I'm such a sucker for my family.... And Veronica..... Well, she IS family to me... And she's NOT getting her green lid back, either....

    Had a HUGE java jolt this am...

    I'm into the Favorite Things pages, ladies. I'll let you know later today when I'll publish them. If you haven't sent yours to me, there is still time....

    Oh, won't you all be glad when this is over so I will leave you alone. Until I think of something else, there is ALWAYS something else going on in my little pea brain...

    Monday, November 26, 2007

    Holy Schmoly, I'm totally WIPED.....

    The old gray mare,
    She ain't what she used to be
    Ain't what she used to be,
    Ain't what she used to be
    The old gray mare,
    She ain't what she used to be
    Many long years ago.

    Sunday, November 25, 2007

    Happy Birthday to me.....

    This turning 58 isn't so bad after all. John and Tonia have been here all weekend, taken me out for yummy food, shopped 'til we dropped and last night about 8pm - SURPRISE, Ryan and Lindsay came home early from Seattle so they could be here today for my birthday...

    Family is a wonderful thing... Ahhh, the boys and the Dillys, LC and the M&M's and my Granddog, Oreo - all here for my birthday.

    Jan doin' the happy dance.....

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