Saturday, November 29, 2008

We’ve had some yummy food….


I’m still visiting Ryan and Lindsay in Versailles.  John left today, hubby left yesterday, Ry and Linds are taking me back to Heavensville tomorrow.  It’s been a week of great food, ladies, Atkins bit the dust with a big kerthud!

Since we had Thanksgiving Dinner on Wednesday, Thursday Ry decided to roast a Turducken (turkey, stuffed with chicken, stuffed with duck).  He’s wanted to do it for years, we were all skeptical, but it was great.  Definitely worth repeating…  Click on the picture to see a close-up view of it, and yep, it tasted as good as it looked! In the background you see scalloped potatoes, laced with cream and cheddar cheese and seasoned with fresh bay leaves and thyme, and decadent corn muffins from a Williams-Sonoma cooking class, recipes for both of these soon….

I’ll be back to my regular routine, shortly…  Hope you all have had a great holiday!!!

Hugs from the cow pasture…

~ jan

Friday, November 28, 2008

What a true computer geek gets for her birthday….

Not one, but two terabyte external harddrives.  I opened one, and it was like yessssss, I opened the next one, and it was like, huh?

Well, it does make perfect sense.  If I’m backed up on one and it bites the dust, I’m toast…. But if I have two with the same data on them, I’m covered.

Yep, works for me…  Who woulda thunk it, me, a net head, in my soon to be golden years…..

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Turkey Day from the Dish….


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to me….

bdayuse You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too--yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.


Today’s the day, nono, I’m not having the big “6O”, that’s not blisstil’ next year, let’s not rush it, okay… 

We’re in Versailles for Thanksgiving, John is on his way, Linds made me a German Chocolate cake and these sublime  Cranberry Bliss Bars, the ones from Starbucks that are sooooo good.  I found a recipe for them last year, and it’s a dead ring for Starbucks.  Want the recipe???  Sure thing, I posted it on Milly Scraps, you can access it HERE.

Here’s the cake, looks yummy, huh?  No recipe for it, but it’s the one on the back of the Baker’s German Chocolate.  Mother made me German Chocolate cakes for years, it was a hard decision,  Lemon Meringue Pie or German Chocolate Cake…. As you can see, the cake won.  Wish you could all eat a piece with me…


And dinner tonight?  Ribs and kraut, mashed potatoes and creamed corn.  Ry’s cooking!!! 

Monday, November 24, 2008

Interesting article from New York Magazine

All the latest in Plastic Surgery, aka Jan is busy and doesn’t have time to blog… Still it’s a good read….  Here’s the click


Even New York Magazine Wants To Know About Madonna's Face

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Old Fashioned Thanksgiving…

Did any of you watch this last night on the Hallmark Channel???

It was awesome, if you missed it, you missed a good one.  It was a period piece, based on a story by Louisa May Alcott.  It wasn’t sappy, or heaven forbid, “cute”,  it was really, really good!  So many times I get excited about a movie, and it’s just totally lame, not this one, it will be a classic…

Jacqueline Bisset is such a great actress.  You can read her interview with Liz Smith about the movie here.

4 Stars on this one….

And, if you link to the article, it’s located on a great site, the name is WOWOWOW, The Women on the Web.  It’s a site for women with substance!  This one is definitely worth a bookmark girlfriends!

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