Saturday, February 23, 2008

I thought you might like a peek...

We spent a recent weekend in Nashville, visiting with our oldest son, John and his wife, Tonia. John is so much like his father, they both can do pretty much anything when it comes to construction.

He and Tonia wanted to redo their fireplace mantle, and add wood columns to the library, so here they are busy at work. He's painting this weekend, I can't wait to see the finished product...

It's so nice to take these pictures, and then preserve them in these pages. Family memories, they are just the best....

You can access this page HERE.

It's decision time....

Okay ladies, I need your opinions. I'm in the market for a new bed... When we moved to the condo we bought new bedroom furniture, and even though it's really pretty, the scale is too large.

I've lived with it for five years now, and it's time for a change. So the french styled painted armoire and the leather sleigh bed are going to Versailles to Ryan and Lindsay, and LC and I are putting a flat screen tv on the wall, and I'm going to buy an iron bed.

I've ALWAYS, ALWAYS loved iron beds, that's what I was going to buy when we moved here, but that didn't work as planned, so FINALLY, after all these years, I'm getting that bed. And I've ALWAYS loved canopies, but I'm wondering if it will be too much, and the Interlude is the only one that offers a canopy, and if I buy that one, I want the footboard with the wrap around sides, and the canopy top... egads, too many decisions.

Click Picture to Enlarge

I've created a little poll, it's located at the top of the left sidebar, give me your opinions, please... My bedroom is 12x16 with a vaulted ceiling and my style is french country...

BTW, the poll is totally anonymous... so go for it...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Quote of the day...

Wow, can I relate to this after spending the afternoon with hubby, pricing flat screen tv's and iron beds.

~ jan

I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.

~ Jackie Mason

Ohhhhh, ladies, look what I have for you tonight....

This is it! The trailer for the new Sex and The City Movie - coming May '08 - mark me down and sign me up. I'll so be there, front row center, opening day, with my contraband Cheetos and gummie bears, ohhhhh, I don't know about the rest of you you, but this old girly girl CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

~ jan

I'm losing it... I'm ready to fly away now...

They're coming to take me away, HA HA
They're coming to take me away, HO HO HEE HEE HA HA
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And I'll be happy to see
Those nice, young men
In their clean, white coats
And they're coming to take me away, Ha-haaa!

I've had it, I admit it, even though the storm is over, there is this thick layer of ice and me, who loves staying home, is now completely claustrophobic and going bat-shit crazy!

I'm bored, can't get into scrapping, I've been going thru photographs Hooterville took last April, dreaming of digging in the dirt. I'm about ready to break out the garden catalogs, too...

The most EXCITING thing I've done is watched my Tivoed episodes of Bold and Beautiful, where mid 60's Eric Forrester was naked on a ledge, after hiding from his wife while caught with his mistress. Well, I must admit, the old guy didn't look half bad...

SEE, I'M NUTZO... TOTALLY... Duh, Jan, they already know that...

I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

See if you can watch this without tearing up.... I couldn't....

This video is just AWESOME. Great voice, even greater message. Crank up those speakers, take the time to really listen to this, every word! Talk about a message...

I was over at Bird Tweets, and Robin had posted this, so I just had to snag it... Thanks Robin for scouting out the good stuff... You'll be amazed at the talent of Point of Grace, How You Live...


You've all heard me talk about Daisy Joy, and how she was Mother's friend when I was a child.

She was the sweetest soul, and was much loved by her family, especially daughters Florence and Alice, grandchilden JC, Lana, Dana and Glenn Edward, and great grandaughters Missy and Leslie, and their mother, Joyce, who came to stay with her on a regular basis.

She was especially fond of wearing floral print dresses and always carried a big "pocketbook." Her hair was a lovely shade of gray and it always had a wave to it... She was just a grand lady... She didn't drive a car, but she lived in town (Enfield, Illinois, population 900) and would walk the few blocks from her house to the post office and the grocery store, stopping often by the drugstore where Mother worked to say hi...

I loved to visit her, she adored flowers and her yard was full of them, and I always picked daffodils and peonies in the spring, and sweet peas later in the summer. I would sit and play for hours at her old upright piano in the living room, and she often made me lemonade and served cookies with it...

Her Granddaugher, Lana, sent me some photographs of her recently, I edited this one, added effects to it, the quality was grainy, so I just played up the roughness instead of trying to smooth it out, and this is the result.

I hadn't seen a picture of Daisy since I was a young woman, so I was thrilled when Lana sent me her image. And now, you'll probably be seeing this sweet face pop up from time to time...

Isn't it fun, reconnecting with the past? It always makes me feel special to use her name as a pseudonym, and I'm glad that Lana doesn't mind me adopting her Gramma's name, online...

~ Jan, aka Daisy Belle Joy...

oh yeah.....

Lindsay's blackberry cobbler was as good as it looks.... Just what I needed, too!!!

We're having major WEA-THER in Heavensville today. Another ice storm passing thru. Linds is safe back home in Lexington, she left at 6m this morning just ahead of the ice...

I should be putting on the beef stew for dinner, I should be running laundry, I should have made my bed this morning.... I should...

No motivation, the M&M's could care less is the bed is made, and I'm surely not having any company in weather like this....I think Scarlett will just curl up with a good book by the fire, along with a lap full of fur kids, and worry about all that stuff tomorrow....

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

In case Ryan checks in....

If Ryan has a chance to look at my blog this week, I thought he would enjoy a pix of Lindsay making piecrust for LC. He loves blackberry pie, she spoils him, and her crust is VUNDERBAR...

And, men always like to see pictures of their wives in the kitchen... Why is that???

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So what did we do this afternoon???

We shopped this afternoon and Linds got a rockin' deal... on a tricycle - WHAT??? A TRICYCLE!!! Nope she's not preggers, not trying yet, but when she does have a little bambino, it will have this killer trike to zoom around on...

Seriously, it was a great deal, she loved it, of course I was urging her to go for it. So she did... Does Ryan know, of course not, she's a smart one, my Dilly. It will fit nicely in our attic until the time comes.

And, switching gears here, I just posted a recipe for lemon poppyseed pancakes on Jan Can Cook. How good does THAT sound?

Check it out HERE!

What happens when your Dilly visits???

You have a girl breakfast, fresh fruit, bagels, cream cheese, yogurt, freshly ground coffee, then you catch up on family news, go out for a girl lunch, shop in the afternoon, and tonight, visit her girlfriend who just happen to have two darling bebes...

Oh, how fun is THAT!!! Ladies day out...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Okay, one more section ready, and I'm finished for a few days...

I'm having company this week, Dilly's coming! Ry is in Chicago for the week, so Lindsay is visiting. I need a break from this computer, I've been consumed with Milly Scraps for days. Linds will be a really nice diversion, she's like a fresh breath of spring air, my daughter-in-law...

So, as I was watching Brother & Sisters, I finished one more section. I've had these pages scrapped for some time, just haven't taken the time to get them into my album...

So, if you go to Milly Scraps, enter the site, go to the index page, and click on Drinks & Libations, you will see my final entries. Those Lemon Drop Martini's are lethal, my friend Janet thinks they are the best mixed drink she's ever had, and when she orders them out, they never measure up to this Oprah recipe. Nish is a fan of Mojitos, I'll get that page up for her next.... And me, my drink of choice always has been and always will be good old iced tea and Diet Coke. Yeah, I'm so boring, I know.....

That's it for tonight, ladies, sweet dreams.....

Just for you....

I've been watching Paula Deen tonight on QVC, and she's selling her Ooey Gooey Butter Cake for $29 - this is her original recipe, she started making it even before Lady & Sons Restaurant opened, it was part of her "box lunch" in the days she sold door-to-door. It's still on the menu, with variations, still a huge favorite, they were sure loving it on QVC tonight -

So I found the recipe for you, posted it on Jan Can Cook -

Here's a quick click

Enjoy! ~ jan

I've been a busy little bee..

Lots of new content on MillyScraps today. There is a new section on the index page called Fleurs and Nature -I've linked to several pages from that area, and I also posted a family favorite, Cherry-O Pie recipe in the Cakes and Pies section.

Just CLICK HERE to access Milly Scraps, then click on the Enter Here button, and then access these different pages from the index...

Have fun...

~ jan

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