Saturday, December 19, 2009

Rub-a-dub-dub, look who just got out of the tub…


This Grammie stuff  just ROCKS!!!!!  Oh, Abby Leigh, what a sweet little soul, you are….

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thanks for the giggle this morning, Hooterville…

Twas the night of Thanksgiving and out of the house
Tiger Woods came a flyin', chased by his spouse.
She wielded a nine iron and wasn't too merry,
Cause a bimbo’s phone number was in his Blackberry.
He’d been cheatin' on Elin, and the story progressed.
Woman after woman stepped up and confessed.
He’d been cheatin’ with Holly, Jaimee, Linda and Cori,
With Joselyn, and Kalika. The world had the story.
From the top of the Tour to the basement of blues,
Tiger’s sad sordid tale was all over the news.
With hostesses, waitresses, he had lots of sex,
When not in their pants, he was sendin' them texts.
Despite all his cryin’ and beggin' and pleadin',
Tiger’s wife went investin' -- a new home in Sweden.
And I heard her exclaim from her white Escalade,
"If you’re gettin' laid then I’m gettin' paid." 
She’s not pouting, in fact, she is of jolly good cheer,
Her prenup made Christmas come early this year.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Robyn Carr’s Virgin River Series…

I’m a total trash reader, I always read women, too, I never read men as I don’t care for the way they write romance novels. I’m always looking for new authors, because when I find someone I like, I read everything they have ever written.

I’m hooked on Robyn Carr and her Virgin River Series.  There are seven books in this collection so far, and this woman weaves wonderful stories.  She incorporates several families into each book, instead of focusing on one relationship, and taking the whole book to establish it, she forms relationships early on and then moves on to other people.  It’s a great twist, the way she writes, and the town of Virgin River, population 600, and it’s cast of characters is totally entertaining.

If you haven’t read her, give her a read, or if you’re a fan already, tell us what your favorite books are.  If you’re looking for a stocking stuffer, the first book in her Virgin River series would be a great idea….

~ jan

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This is spectacular, thanks Barb for sending it…

Abby’s first playdate….

abby julieann 12-17-09

This is Abby on the left, with Julieanne.  Looks like she wore her little friend out.

Oh little girl babies are just too cute for words!!!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hungry Girl Liquid S’Mores


I posted this on my Eating Right Blog, it looks absolutely to-die-for…

It’s a healthy version of Liquid S’Mores. Everything we love, hot chocolate, marshmallows, chocolate chips, graham crackers.


Here’s the click to them, you’re going to want to try this one…

~ jan

Thanks for the laugh, Seana…. oh this is a good one, girls….

Monday, December 14, 2009

Such bliss……

There’s been a lot of cuddling going on. Home tomorrow….



Having baby time…

We’re in Lexington for a couple of days.  Oh my, how Abby has changed just since Thanksgiving.  She breaks into big smiles now, follows us with her eyes.

She’s like a soft little bundle of heaven.  I’m finding out what a lot of you already know, what a wonderful gift grandchildren are.

I’ll be back, with a new picture soon.  Pinky swear.

~ jan

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