I was talking to Nisha this morning, gushing about sealing food in jars, and she asked me if I had always been this way? Super excited, well more like obsessive, about new things I’m trying. V and I laugh about it, too, I get so caught up in the latest and greatest, and then the next thing comes along and my aging brain forgets all about the last latest and greatest and I’m off to something else.
BUT, trust me, this FoodSaver sealing in a jar thing is a keeper. Mother always taught me to store foods in the fridge and freeze in glass, it doesn’t pick up odors, it doesn’t stain, it just works best. And I have all of these glass containers that I use, however, they don’t seal, therefore the food doesn’t stay fresh as long.

So I’ve turned into a one woman sealing machine. See this picture, it’s bacon, yep, bacon. You know how you open a package of bacon and it turns brown and dries out, even though you have it in a Ziploc, well no more. I just stuck my bacon in a quart jar and sealed it up.
Today I found large mouth pint jars, no easy task, as canning season is over and the stores aren’t stocking them, but my local Rural King had them, so I’m good to go.
I popped a quart of salad for lunch, took out some cannelini beans, put the rest in this jar and sealed them. You’re probably thinking, why would she do this, she isn’t going to keep them long term? Well, it’s fast, it’s quick, it keeps them fresher, and it’s glass people. Love this – L-O-V-E this! Now I need some wide mouth half pint jars and I’m good to go. I don’t bother putting the rings on the jars, that’s just another step, and you don’t need them, these lids are totally sealed. I learned online to take a small screwdriver, put it at the top of the highest glass ring mark, jut under the lid, give it a half turn and the lid comes off without bending it, and you can reuse it again and again. Oh, the possibilities….
And my lunch today, well let me tell you, it was so good. I opened a quart of salad, squirted a heaping tablespoon of yellow mustard on top, then I added packet of Splenda, salt, and pepper, a splash of olive oil and a healthy glug of fat free half and half and squeezed half an orange over the top. I put on the lid, shook the jar until it was combined, poured it in my salad bowl, added the beans, and a can of drained tuna and tossed. Delicious, easy, fast, see I’m obsessing. But this is the best thing I’ve come across in like forever!!!! Now that I have my pint jars I’m going to attack my pantry and put all kinds of things in pints. Yes, I know, obsessing…
Oh, I totally forgot to tell you how the salad is working. It’s perfect, crispy, cold, not brown, the only thing I will do different next time is not add onion, because it’s such a strong flavor the lettuce takes on the taste. Hubby wanted salad for dinner last night, it was ready for him to eat in 30 seconds. It’s the damndest thing!!!
~ jan here, doin’ the happy dance