Friday, September 10, 2010

Guess where I’ve been this week???

bedroom, 9.8.10



Oh, I could just gush all day about how precious she is.  She’s on the move, girlfriends, grips those little toes against the rug and balances, she’ll be walking soon, she stands alone for quite a while now.

She has a vocabulary, too!!!  Da-da, Ma-ma, ball and bye-bye.   She’s a happy baby, she has a mother that sings to her and plays with her and laughs a lot, so she mimics that.  She always gets quiet when you sing to her, and she pats her little hands on her thighs when music is playing.  She has rhythm!  She DOES!!!! She’s never still, always playing with her toys, methodically clicking certain buttons to make the sounds she wants to hear.  We just sit and watch her for hours.  She’s not a lap sitter, oh no, she’s a big girl, now, wants down to play all the time.

A lot of you have been where I’m at, you know what I’m feeling, the pure joy of every single thing she does.  She crawls all over the house, follows Lindsay like a little puppy, when she see’s Ryan, she squeals “DA-DA,” and crawls to him as fast as she can and puts out those little arms for him to pick her up. 

These pictures enlarge, if you click on them, you can see close ups.

It’s a wonderful thing, this grammie stuff.  I’m enjoying every second of it…  ~ jan

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