Friday, February 17, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
How do you keep a straight face...
Me: "Abby, do you want to taste this orange?"
Abby: "No t'anks Grammie"
Me: "How about just smelling it?"
Abby: "NO MA'AM" (very emphatically)
Me: "How about a cracker?"
Abby: "Okay, t'anks"
Of course I laugh, I'm trying really hard not to, but I can't help it. "NO MA'AM" she just cracks me up...
A little shopping trip….
Grammie: “No Abby, Daddy said you have to stay in the cart”
Abby: “Abby’s gonna cry”
Grammie: “Well, you just go ahead and cry, but you can’t get out of the cart”
Abby: “Abby won’t cry”
Then she gave me a big megawatt smile and we continued on our way.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The Country Life
adj \ˈbō-ˌvīn, -ˌvēn\Definition of BOVINE
1 : of, relating to, or resembling bovines and especially the cow
2 : having qualities (as placidity or dullness) characteristic of cows
— bo·vine·ly adverb
— bo·vin·i·ty noun
Examples of BOVINE
- She stared at us with a stupid, bovine expression.
Grammie has been spending time with Abby while her Momma is away for a few days. I’m so eager to take country pictures, but the weather isn’t cooperating. It was really cloudy today, but the cows that live in a pasture behind their house seemed to enjoy the photo op, anyway. Hoping for sunshine tomorrow, more to come…
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The good, the bad and the ugly
The bad was I had a root canal today and my mouth was clamped open for two hours, the good was I didn't know that I was going to have one so I didn't have time to work myself in a tizzy. And the ugly, that's what my smile would have looked like if they would have had to pull my tooth, but they didn't. Whew, dodged a bullet. That is all...
Sunday, February 12, 2012
So we go out to dinner last night…
Hubby took me out for an early Valentines Day Dinner to Angelo’s, our favorite Italian restaurant.
It was warm and cozy inside, they seated us at a corner table, they had just brought our drinks and I was watching the hostess and a waitress put tables together next to us to accommodate a large party. They apparently ran out of tables, because I saw them carrying in an outdoor table to extend the ones they put together. I thought at the time, that looks odd, it’s really small and wire mesh and had no tablecloth.
Then the hostess comes over to us and says, “Ma’am, we’re setting those tables up for an elderly party, can we take your table away and replace it with that table on the end?” They were both looking at us and smiling, and I looked at her and said “no!”
The look on their faces was priceless. I wish I would have had a camera, the smiles just fell away and they had these stunned looks on their faces. Hubby picked up the ball, because he’s more diplomatic than me and was trying to diffuse a potentially bad situation because he knew I was not a happy camper, and went on to explain that we had made reservations weeks ago, and that table was just not appropriate.
The hostess got her bearings and said, “uh, okay, uh.” Then she did a perimeter check and asked if she could reseat us in a booth, which we would have preferred in the first place, and of course we were happy to do that, but no way was I going to enjoy my Valentine’s Day outing eating on that dinky little outdoor table.
Shame on them, this is a nice restaurant, they should have never suggested such a thing in the first place. Can’t you just see us sitting there, while they removed our table and put the other one in it’s place. Puh-leez.
The owner came over to us and apologized, I think he was actually embarrassed that they suggested such a thing. And snaps for me for being a gutsy ballsy old broad who said no instead of going along with that silly girl. Now had I been younger, actually much younger, I would have probably said “okay”, but since I’ve been to a lot of rodeos by now, I’ve learned a few things, mainly to speak up instead of being pushed around. This was worse than when you go to a restaurant and they try to seat you next to the kitchen, Come to think of it I think I’ve refused those tables, too. ;o)
The food was wonderful, it always is, and I always feel like I’m twelve years old, because I
always usually order spaghetti and meatballs, but that’s what I like, I’m a red sauce girl.
And hubby, he always gets the same thing, too. Chicken cordon bleu, heavy wine and cream sauce, mushrooms, chicken, not my thing, but he’s a big fan…
And the best part, drats I didn’t take a picture, but it’s homemade warm, buttery little knot rolls covered in chopped garlic, and their signature salad, crisp greens, black olives, red onions, tomatoes drenched in tart, homemade Italian dressing.
It’s a really good restaurant, John and Deanna went to Café Nona in Nashville, he called later and said that he likes Angelo’s better. And we’ll go back, and have a better experience the next time, I’m sure. Sometimes things sh*t happens, know what I mean, Vern?