Thursday, May 9, 2013

This is true! I'm living proof!!!!!


Regrets, i've had a few...



We all have regrets in our life, and never owning a horse is a big one of mine.  I have loved horses all my life, always wanted one, but never pursued it and made it happen.  Note to younger women, if you have a dream, make it happen, you will never regret it.

Of course the dream is long gone now,  I rode one for the last time about five years ago, and realized my ship had sailed.  I'm grateful that my front yard faces a horse pasture and I can look out and see them and walk to the fence and give them an apple.

Just saw this picture on Facebook, and it still tugs at the heartstrings, I must admit...

Tomorrow I get to see Dem Grandbabies….



Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I've always loved Smiley Faces




Who doesn't love a smiley face?  It's a guaranteed feel good moment when you look at that bright yellow grin.  Works for me every time.

We were visiting John and Deanna a couple of weeks ago, went to the Nashville Flea Market, and I spotted this 70's mug.  It's a great color, golden yellow, not the pale yellow that you see so often, and hubby bought it for me.

I noticed that Deanna had this cute little owl mug sitting on her K-Cup Coffee Maker, John had made it for her and it was so bright and cheerful.  So I came home and now my Smiley Face mug resides on my K-Cup Coffee Maker.  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, you know.  

Thanks, sweet daughter-in-law, for the great idea.  NewImage


Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Big Wedding Review




I wanted to like this movie, i really, really  did.  I watched the trailers a few months ago, and it just looked so good.  Diane Keaton, Susan Sarandon, Amanda Seigfreid, Katharine Heigl, and oh ya, Robert Deniro.

And since hubby is always up for a chick flick, we trekked to the movie last night.  It was all downhill from there.

First of all, you know that I go for the hair, the makeup, the clothes, the sets, not so much the storyline.  But there wasn't enough  of these things for even me to like in this stinker of a movie.

Diane Keaton, who is 66 now, and has always been thin, just looks frail to me now.   In one scene where DeNiro hugged her, her back looked like the beginning of osteoporosis.    She wears the same look in every single movie, and it used to work for her.  But I'm weary of the Barbara Bush pearls and the wide belts that ride too high below her flat chest.  I'm a huge fan of neutrals, so of course I enjoyed her beige/black/white clothes, especially a caramel colored long cardigan with patch sleeves, but I really would like to see her get into character just once in her life instead of always playing Diane Keaton.

On the other hand Susan Sarandon, who is 64, looked earthy, healthy, golden and voluptuous.  Older women just look better when they have a body, and she had that boho look about her that I love.  Just my two cents worth.

Katharine Heigel, oh my, she had the worst haircut, the worst look imaginable.  I'm hoping that she had a wig on, she looked positively dowdy.  And Amanda Seigfreid, who I normally like, was just blah.  And DeNiro?  He's just an old man, 'nuff said.

I talked to Ryan this morning, he nailed it when he said that when they put too many stars in one movie it just doesn't work.  I think he's right, nobody has enough screen time to develop their character.  But this movie didn't really have a plot that was even realistic.  It was so weak, even for me, who normally doesn't care about the plot ;o)

The house wasn't even great on the inside either, the outside was lovely as you can see in the picture above, it was on a lake with a dock, and it was stunning, but inside it was just blah.

And the cost for this fiasco:

$19.50 for tickets 
  $8.00 for popcorn
  $6.00 for a Coke

Totally obscene, isn't it.  What if we would have not shared popcorn and our Coke, we would have then paid $28 for just popcorn and a drink!!!!  Totally CRAZY!!!

I came home and read the reviews for this on Rotten Tomatoes, they only gave it an 8% approval rating.  I should have read the reviews before we went...

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