Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hot in Cleveland


Okay, so maybe they won’t win an Emmy, but they’re entertaining.  I’ve watched both episodes, the last one was far better than the first, Betty White is feisty, the other girls are a bit shopworn, but aren’t we all.  It’s refreshing to see a sitcom for the older generation again.  I was laughing out loud at them, a rarity for me with any television program these days…

Abby 6.25.10

Just had to share Abby’s latest pictures.  Oh, you can see those little teeth, how cute!!!


Farrah Fawcett, she was such a beauty in her day…


It’s been a year now since she passed away, and as I was looking at this picture, I thought what a fresh faced beauty she was. 

This was the 70’s, before Botox, before implants and liposuction.  Pictures weren’t airbrushed, this was the real meal deal.

She was the lovely poster girl with the megawatt smile, who left us way too soon…

Senior Citizen Driving

Oh, this could be me, it could.  Poor old feller got shook…

Friday, June 25, 2010

Nothing like cucumbers and onions in the summertime…


I talked to Deanna a few days ago, and she was telling me about her garden.  She and John planted their first one this year, and she has cucumbers.  She was so excited. 

My oldest son is so much like his father.  He always is figuring out a better way.  He installed a sprinkler system in his back yard, then he figured out how to constantly give it a dose of fertilizer every time he waters, and now they have put drips on all of their pots so they are totally self watered.  As a result, their garden is growing like crazy,  looks like they are going to have a bounty of fresh veggies.

I’m thinking that hubby and I need to do that next year.  It would sure change our routine, every morning we’re out with the hose.  The weather is so hot in Heavensville that we have to water really often.  It sure would be nice for it to all happen automatically.

So this morning I got up, fixed these cucumbers and onions, put great northern and pinto beans in the pressure cooker and made a pitcher of tea.  Just a country summer morning.  And how do I make the cucumbers and onions?

I slice them thinly with the mandoline, add equal parts of vinegar and water, I had a big english cucumber, it made quite a bit, so I used 2 cups of white vinegar and 2 cups of water.  I added six packs of Splenda, a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of pepper and sprinkled them with hot pepper flakes.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How am I supposed to eat healthy with this on the counter?


Hubby wanted a strawberry pie, I baked off the crust, he fixed the berries and added the glaze, Cool Whip wasn’t thawed yet, but this was just calling my name.

I love my red pie plate, it’s Rose’s Perfect Pie Plate.  It comes in a great gift box, similar to a hat box, and you can get it on Amazon.  It’s a bit spendy, but it’s wonderful, definitely worth the money.  Makes a pretty pie, flutes with no effort, too. 

Here’s the click if you’re interested>>>

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hayden and Abby, new best friends, forever…


Ryan’s first Father’s Day…


Well, if this isn’t the damndest thing….

You have to watch this video Carlene sent me the link to.  It’s in French, but that’s okay, it’s a visual.  It’s how to open a wine bottle with a man’s shoe.  How fascinating, really it is!

Here’s the link…

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cuppycake’s first Father’s Day…


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