Saturday, April 9, 2016

Anti Aging using Retin-A, Vitamin C Serum + More...


 Okay ladies, let’s talk skin care this morning.  My ongoing obsession with watching the Mature Ladies of YouTube has led me to Vitamin C Serum, and I ordered from Timeless, 20% Vitamin C + E + Ferulic Acid Serum, Hylauranic Acid and Hylauranic Acid Eye Cream.  I’ve used Retin A for the past 28 years, I’m going to link to Melissa55, one of my favorite YouTube ladies, she’s 61 and looks 35, and she’s also used it for the exact same time, 28 years.  I read about it years ago in Women’s Day, that’s why I asked my doctor for a prescription.  I often wonder what my skin would look like had I not used it, and now I’m going to add these Timeless products to help even skin tone, build collagen and brighten my face.

 Its hard to believe that Melissa is sixty-one years old, she is just the sweetest southern woman.   I enjoy watching her so much, she’s like a gentle breeze, flowing through your life.

I say often that the horse is outta the barn with me trying these new products, I’m sixty-six years old, but then I look at another one of my very favorite ladies, Mary Ellen from Mary Ellen After 60, and if you watch her skin care videos since she started using these products, you can see the improvement, her skin just keeps getting better and firmer.  She has a lovely complexion and often videos with no makeup, only her permanent eyeliner.  I’m just amazed at how clear and wrinkle free her skin is, she just glows.  No Mary Ellen, you glow, you don’t shine (after all, you use Mally’s Face Defender religiously for that shine) you glow from within :)

 Mary Ellen also uses The Clarisonic on her face, this did not work for me, my skin is too sensitive.  I think her skin looks lovely, it’s so smooth with no wrinkles or discoloration and she’s had no cosmetic procedures.  Go Mary Ellen!!!!!

The products from Timeless are very inexpensive, and there are coupon codes on their main page, I ordered three products and got 20% off.  Order four and you get 30% off.  Educate yourselves about the Vitamin C Serum, it’s sensitive to light and oxidizes after about 3 months, A lot of these ladies store half of the serum in a dark bottle in the fridge (some going so far as to wrap it all in aluminum foil in the fridge to keep out all of the light) and this extends the life of the serum, enabling you to use most of it, some women can use it all of it, before it oxidizes. Keep the bottle that you’re currently using in a drawer, so that it’s always in a dark environment to help keep it from oxidizing.  They all say, don’t be stingy when you use it, because it takes such a small amount, put it on your neck, your chest and the backs of your hands, Angie from Hot and Flashy also uses this serum from Timeless, others, like Tammy from UppiesBeads59 and Patti from rckstrmom make their own weekly, Elle from Elle is for Living makes her nightly.  So many women have had such good results with Timeless that I don’t want to bother with making it like some do.

They also say to always buy directly from Timeless, not Amazon, as it is fresher.

Here’s what I bought from Timeless, total cost was $43.08, including shipping using the coupon code 3bottles, since I ordered three products, I got a 20% discount.  These products will last for several months, so it’s very inexpensive.

Vitamin C Serum + Ferulic Acid 

Hylauranic Acid Serum 100% Pure 

Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Eye Cream 

I would show you a before picture of my skin, but I’m not as gutsy as the other women, but I am going to take pictures, maybe in a few months if it looks better I will post a before and after update.

Don’t be scared of the word Hylauranic “Acid” - it’s very good for your skin and moisturizes it. Here are videos and several links.  If you’re interested in skincare, grab a cup of coffee or a cup of tea and watch these lovely women, they are all are seriously awesome.

 Angie also has a video about how to make your Vitamin C Serum last longer, her video for this is below.  Angie posts a lot of beauty videos and I’ve gotten lots of good tips from her, especially about brushes, she always seems to have a good buy with brushes.  I’ve bought several she suggested on eBay, and they’ve all been very good for the price.

 Angie gets these cobalt bottles from Specialty Bottle, I ordered from them as well, I had tried to find locally with no luck, it’s so much easier to sit here with Maggie on my lap and order than to drive all over town and get frustrated because I can’t find them.  Here’s the link, she ordered the 1/2 oz, one with a cap and the 1/2 oz one with a dropper, so of course I did the same.   

 Tammy from Uppiesbeads59, the very first Mature YouTuber I started watching,  makes her own every week, I just don’t want to do this, but some of you might.  However, she does use a facial scrub made of coconut oil and baking soda, I love this, and always use it before I shower.  So even if you don’t want to make your own serum, it’s worth watching the video to see how she makes the exfoliater.


 This is Patti from rckstrmom, she’s a lovely 72 years old, I enjoy watching her so much, and like Tammy she makes her own.  Check out her channel, she has some good videos.  I just have this thing for women with southern accents, it’s so charming...


 And finally, this is Elle from Elle is For Living, she makes her Vitamin C Serum daily,  Wow, I’m impressed that she takes the time to do this, I would never have that much discipline.  Check out some of Elle’s other videos, she uses a lot of drug store/dollar tree products and I’ve found several products from her site, one of which I’m going to post about soon.

So, watch these ladies, subscribe to their channels, they all have wonderful videos about life, health, cosmetics and skincare, and they’re all living proof that aging can be done with grace and beauty.  ~ Jan


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