Saturday, February 2, 2008

A lazy Saturday afternoon...

The M&M's woke up from their naps, and I gave them each a "tweetie." You should have seen them, girlfriends, they were so excited, Maggie was just hopping and skipping thru the air, she was so thrilled. Here they sit, both of them munching on their goodies.

It's those simple things, gets me every time....

A couple of pages for you to look at..

I've been having a great time playing with my scrapbooking.

This first page is for Ryan. I took these pictures of him last weekend, and added a storyline.

You can access the page HERE.

And I made this page for John and Tonia last night. This picture was taken last fall, and the archway is an edited photograph from a house they are restoring in Heavensville.

You can access this page HERE.

You can also go directly to MillyScraps and access these pages from the Family section of the Index.


This Cheesy Garlic bread looks amazing. I thought you all might want to check it out for your Super Bowl Sunday.

I posted the recipe over on the Jan Can Cook Board.

Here's the CLICK...

Friday, February 1, 2008


I've done really well this wintter, so far, no major bugs, but poor Hooterville is miserable right now, and I talked to Cousin Phyllis last night, and she is battling strep throat and a sinus infection.

I read about a home remedy a few weeks ago that said if you put Vicks Salve on your feet, and put on socks, it will control your coughing. Now, that makes no sense, I know, but people swear by it. Of course I'm intrigued by this, probably because I don't have feet to smear it on...

Could I talk either one of them into trying it, of course not. Both of them detest the smell of Vicks because they were all greased up by their Mothers' when they were kids. Well, I too, wore the detested flannel rag on my Vicks smeared chest, but for some reason I find the smell comforting, not nauseating....

Surely SOME of you don't mind the smell, and will try this next time you are having a coughing fit, and if, by chance, it actually WORKS, let me know....

~ jan

Thursday, January 31, 2008

LC and the girls, watching the debate....

I'm having such a good time....

It's winter, I'm all tucked in with hubby and my sweet little M&M's, the fireplace is warming the sun room, it's spitting snow outside, and I'm scrapping. I've been working a lot in my recipe sections, redoing my individual indexes, and today I scrapped the recipe for the Cranberry Bliss Bars that Lindsay loves so much. It turned out pretty cute, so click on my Bars & Cookies Index, then click on the Cranberry Bliss Bars, and give it a look... Oh, that great butterscotch brownie recipe is right there, too. A lot more coming soon, I'm really enjoying this. ~ jan

Here's the CLICK...

If you haven't visited Milly Scraps, you can access the entire site HERE!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'm a YouTube addict, I spend hours, mostly midnight hours watching old clips and laughing at the great old shows...

Check out this Adorn Commercial - I posted it on GirlTalk - oh I remember that commercial, and tried to duplicate that style!!!

Here's the CLICK...

Vintage Goldie

One Ringy Dingy....

We're having W-E-A-T-H-E-R!!!

A rainy night in Georgia, such a rainy night in Georgia
Lord, I believe it's rainin' all over the world
I feel like it's rainin' all over the world

I don't know about Georgia, but Jeez Louise, has it ever been storming in Heavensville... Everybody threw such a hissy a few weeks back when I took the M&M's to the car in the garage during a storm, that I didn't do that again.

Instead we sat in the bathroom, Maggie shaking on my lap, Munchie whining on the floor. Oh, it was a really good time.... There I sat, on the throne, with my flashlight in hand, just waiting for the lights to go off and us to blow away....

But we didn't, and we didn't lose power, but Hooterville did... Thank goodness for cellphones, and communicating with friends...

It wasn't a fun night, sports fans...

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Spaghetti Sauce Recipe I promised....

I scrapped a page using the recipe for that great spaghetti sauce we had Sunday. You can access it by going to, then clicking on recipes, then clicking on sauces and stews, and finally clicking on Christine's Original Spaghetti Sauce Recipe.

Or, if you're lazy - here's the CLICK...

~ jan

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Here's how it turned out....

It was really good. I'll post the recipe tomorrow.....

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