Friday, February 21, 2014

I've had a productive morning...


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I made not one, not two, but three really good salad dressings this morning.  The Italian Vinaigrette is a new recipe, but the other two, Western and Ramona’s Poppyseed, are favorites.  I’ve made Ramona’s recipe for years, there isn’t a better poppyseed dressing than hers, it’s just wonderful.  And the quart jar, it’s green and it’s a goodie, but that’s for another post.

If you happen to be in the mood, these are easy peasy and so much better than bottled.  Yep, they’re low-carb, but don’t let that stop you, these are excellent dressings.

The Western Dressing calls for a bit of xanthan gum to thicken it, but you can leave that out.  

Here are the links, maybe you’re thinking spring and salad this sunny February day, too.

Ramona’s Famous Poppyseed Dressing

Peace, Low & Low Carbs Italian Vinaigrette Dressing

Western Dressing


A Woman Goes Back to Work After Thirty Years


Just had to share this quick video with you this morning.  I laughed so hard, this could be me….

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Abby made Valentine's Cookies



Granddaughters are wonderful little people...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014



I never had a sister, but those of you who do can identify with this.

I sent this to my daughter-in-law Lindsay, asking if this reminded me of her and her sister, and she answered YES!

This was on Facebook yesterday and it was just too cute not to share.  I bet a lot of you are smiling right now.  ~ Jan

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Paderno World Cuisine Tri-Blade Spiral Vegetable Slicer

Jan, the Gadget Queen, strikes again!  This time it’s a Paderno World Cuisine Tri-Blade Spiral Vegetable Slicer.  Several months ago, when I discovered Zoodles (thin shreds of summer squash or zucchini) I blogged about my newest gadget, an Oxo veggie shredder.  Here’s the post.


It worked really well, I was making great faux pasta with it several times a week, then I took it to John and Deanna’s and forgot it, and decided to replace it with a  Spirelli Spiral Slicer.


It “seemed” to be really popular on the low carb forums, but hubby was the only one who could use it because I didn’t have the strength to turn the veggies thru it and he hated it.  It was difficult to turn, the zucchini caught in the blades, oh let’s face it, it was a disaster.  But I paid $29 for the darn thing so we were making the best of it.


Then I started reading more and quickly found out the the one people really like is the Paderno World Cuisine Tri-Blade slicer.  I had a little windfall in the form of a Blogger check, so I just bit the bullet, ignored the fact that I had already bought two other slicers and bought it.

Well, let me tell you, it’s worth every penny of the $35.98 Amazon Prime we paid for it (mine was on sale, it’s slightly higher now.)  It works flawlessly, easy to use, easy to clean.  It’s large, so you do have to store it, but it’s a winner.  Even LC said he would buy it again, it’s that good!

We made Zoodles tonight, here is the Palerno in action.   And just in case you aren’t familiar with Zoodles, it’s faux pasta made from summer squash or zucchini.  If you put sauce on it, or butter and garlic, it’s a great substitute.  I actually prefer summer squash, it has s smoother taste, but zucchini is good, too.  

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Here’s what they look like when they come out of the machine.  They are one continuous spiral, I cut them into a manageable size. 

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And here’s dinner after I sautéed them for about five minutes in butter with garlic and thyme. You want them slightly el dente, not limp, and you can almost fool yourself into thinking you’re eating pasta..  But then we are seriously pasta deprived.

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Another good thing.  Seriously *grin*

Monday, February 17, 2014

Jokari Soda Can Straws and Lids

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Need a cheap thrill this Monday morning?  These nifty little straws with a cap helps seal the fizz in your soda.  Hubby found them for a couple of bucks at Wally World yesterday, but they also sell them on Amazon for $4.  They’re BPA free, so you don’t have to worry about sucking down toxins when you sip, and yours truly does enjoy drinking thru a straw.   Now if I can just find a koozie that keeps my drink really cold…  Ya, I know, never satisfied...

It’s a good thing, actually...

Here’s the Amazon click, you know you want it ;o)

Update:  Okay, it looks like I may have found just the thing, that didn’t take long.  It’s now on my Amazon wish list, I’m not a fan of the price, but it just might be the ticket for this summer.  


It keeps drinks cold for 2-3 hours and has great reviews.  I have to buy this!!!

Yes, I know, you want this click, too.  Here you go….

This old(er) girl just loves this stuff. I am the Gadget Queen, just ask my family. *grin*

Happy Days are Here Again....


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Happy . Days . Are. Here . Again . . .

Well, at least for this week, next week it’s back in the deep freeze.

Carpe Diem!!!!!

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