Friday, August 5, 2011

40 years ago today….

LC and I were married.  Can it really be that long?  Where did all those years go?  Who is that couple that stare back at us in the mirror?  We actually took pictures of each other, looked at them, and said simultaneously, “enough of this shit.”  Seriously, old(er) people shouldn’t take pictures of themselves, it’s too depressing!

It was a good day, hazy and a bit cooler, just a nice easy time.  We have a local German festival, The Volkfest, I’ve always wanted to go, and today was the day.  We went for lunch, I had pig knuckles, beans, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes, hubby had bratwurst and German potato salad, and it was absolutely, positively horrid! I guess I don’t like “authentic” German food, it’s too sour and vinegary for me.  My neighbor’s recipe for German potato salad is much better than anything they had to offer.  But it was something to experience, and actually the pig knuckle was the best part.  Thank gawd we left before they started to polka, I just don’t think I was up to watching all those old men dance.

We went to dinner tonight, had a great meal, then cruised the river and drove through our old neighborhood.  It was a nice day.  I’m mellow…

Happy Anniversary to us!!!

Lucille Ball: A Tribute

She would have been 100 years old this weekend…

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Coconut Oil, it’s a good thing…


A few months ago, I bought this coconut oil at Whole Foods.  I bought it to make chocolate candy, it’s a long story, I won’t bore you with it, but the upshot was it tasted too much like coconut, and I didn’t like it.

So, it’s been sitting on the shelf in my pantry, and if you read about coconut oil, it’s good for a multitude of things other than cooking with it.  People use it as a daily supplement, and to moisturize their skin, and they use it to condition their hair.

I gave it a try as a conditioner this morning.  I didn’t warm it in water, no need for that, this stuff liquifies immediately. All I did was scoop a dab of it in my palm, held my hands together and it turned to liquid.  Then I ran it through my hair and left it on for a couple of hours.  Of course I looked like an Elvis reject, with my hair all greased up, no way I would have answered the door if somebody came, but when I lightly shampooed it and rinsed it out, I could really tell a big difference.

The dryness was gone, my hair was soft and shiny, and “conditioned.”  And, it’s a big pound jar, (think half of the size of a jar of Crisco) so it’s a really cheap deep conditioner/moisturizer.  And the coconut smell is much more appealing on my hair than it was in that chocolate.

You can get this at Walgreen’s, on sale for $10.  I liked it so much, I’m going to try it as a skin moisturizer next.

Don’t you just love a deal???  I always scout out the good stuff for you ladies, and this is a winner!!!

~ jan

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