Friday, May 17, 2013

John and Deanna's Roman Holiday...


John and Deanna are in Rome on vacation, and heading to Tuscany later this weekend.  

We shopped the mall last weekend on our girl's day out when we were in Lexington,  She loved this great maxi skirt that Lindsay found for her,  paired it with a belt I gave her a year or so ago, added a hat and jewelry and looks adorable.    She also got this great red bandana print skirt and a white eyelet peasant blouse, can't wait to see how that turned out.  Linds should seriously be a personal shopper, she finds the best stuff!!!

Isn't it wonderful when you shop and  it "clicks."  We were all giddy because she found things she liked.  There is nothing like girl's day out, we need to do it more often, it was so much fun!

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And of course she had to throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain….

And I can't leave out John, he found a Timberland store and came out with a "must have."  My son has always been a world class shopper.  I think he comes by it naturally ;o)

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tammy Did it Again, Another Great Video...

I like to think that Tammy and I are kindred spirits.  Oh quit rolling your eyes, I know she is drop dead gorgeous and I'm but a mere mortal, but she just calls to me.  I naturally follow her down the yellow brick road because the woman has so much knowledge,  but we do seem to gravitate to the same colors of makeup, and she messaged me and told me to buy MAC Bamboo shadow, and when I was in Lexington last weekend, I picked it up, and on a whim, I also bought Handwritten shadow.  

I've used MAC Saddle Shadow for a few years now, Lindsay (daughter-in-law) is a big fan as well.  So when I came home and watched Tammy's latest video, she used not only Bamboo, but Saddle and my newest purchase, Handwritten.  It's Karma, ladies, Karma!  

She also used a killer Laura Mercier Baked Bronze Blush that is calling to me, it will be my newest summer purchase, well that chubby Mayan Peach lipstick looks good, too and the MAC Peaches Blush ;o)  And I need more brushes!  Hubby is going to be so thrilled when he see's the bill for all of this. :o(

And now,  on with the show.  When you watch this video to the end, she has it all together with the hair, the makeup, the great jewelry, and you will be see the most beautiful fifty something lady ever.   Tammy is such a Wonder Woman when it comes to applying makeup, there is none better!   And I've said it before, and I'll say it again, there aren't very many women who would do these videos au naturel like she does.  Don't you just love real women!!!



Take a minute, subscribe to her YouTube channel, there are so many videos you can choose from, so much you can learn.  Whether you are twenty, forty or sixty +, Tammy can enlighten you with amazing makeup techniques, regardless of your age.

 Here's her click...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day...


We were with our family for Mother's Day, the guys put together Abby's play set, she refers to it as her "park." The girls had a day out yesterday, we shopped and saw Gatsby. And today, as we were celebrating Mother's Day, nature gave me a gentle reminder that all of God's creatures are mothers. We saw a mother cat, with two tiny kittens scampering across the yard. In the field behind the house were mother cows with their calves, and yesterday we saw a mother horse and her colt racing across the field.

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers, and to nature for once again reminding me how wonderful the cycle of life is for ALL mothers...


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