Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hot Cougar Make-up Look for Over 40 by Kandee Johnson….

Let’s have a little fun with makeup this Saturday night…

I stumbled onto this series of makeup videos on YouTube.  The makeup artist is Kandee Johnson, and she’s GOOD, ladies.  Maybe a little over the top with some of the looks, but so much fun to watch.  In this video she does her Mom’s makeup, I think it looks awesome!

 Here is the direct link to 60 of her videos.  But this isn’t all of them, look in the right sidebar when you are watching a video in YouTube for lots  more.  Watch a few of these and you will learn a lot! Pinkie swear!

I hope you enjoy…

~ jan


This one about whitening your teeth for under $10 is interesting, too…



And finally, the one about how to tweeze, shape and groom eyebrows.  That’s all I’m posting, you’re on your own now, these videos can get addictive, be warned…



Okay, just one more, this is all, really!


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lacura Skin Care Products

Lacura Skin CareBarb was telling me the other day about this line of Lacura Skin Care Products, what great products they are, and how well they work.  It’s a complete line of anti-wrinkle night cream, day creams, exfoliaters, toners and cleansers, and they all sell for under $5.00.  Yes, under $5.00.

Sounds impossible, doesn’t it?  And who has this line of skin care products????  Aldi’s.  For real, Aldi’s Grocery Store! I saw them today!!!

I wanted to do a bit of research before I tried them, but so far everything I’m reading about the products is very favorable.  Here’s what one reviewer had to say -



 And here’s a link to an article about Lacura.

I always scout out the good stuff for you, girlfriends!  I’ll be stocking up on these products this weekend and let you know what I think.

~ jan

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Home again….


It was a great trip to Nashville, we spent two days in the country, visiting nurseries, soaking up the sunshine, enjoying visiting with John and Deanna.  I don’t know when we’ve had a better trip.  We had lunch yesterday at Barbara’s Home Cooking, a Nashville institution.  We ate outside in the grass,  our plates filled with  turnip greens, field peas, fried apples and okra, all washed down with sweet tea.

It was one of those unplanned trips that turned into something really memorable. 

We’ll be visiting bebe Abby soon, oh my life is so blessed this October…

Monday, October 19, 2009

Does microwave popcorn cause cancer?

I was talking to V yesterday, she mentioned that studies are linking cancer and lung disease to microwave popcorn, the kind in the bag with the butter and seasonings already on it, which, btw, I don’t eat. I’m a pop my own big yellow kernels in my trusty  Orville Redenbacher microwave popcorn popper kinda girl. I’ve never been a fan of bagged microwave corn, its too salty for me and has an off taste.  I really do try to eat foods in their natural state, I hope that you are all doing the same.

She told me to Google it, sure enough, a lot of information came up regarding this.  Just thought you would all like a heads up, if you’re not aware of it.  Made your Monday morning, didn’t I???

Here’s the link…

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Looking for a great halloween wallpaper for your computer desktop?



Hooterville sent me a link to some great free halloween wallpapers to download for your MAC or PC, here’s the click, enjoy…

~ jan

My phone has risen from the dead, hopefully…

Despite all my attempts at destroying my Blackberry with stupidity, it “appears” to be working.  I have to reconnect it with Verizon, but all the little thingies seem to be operating properly.

Ryan kept telling me, leave it unplugged from the charger, leave the battery out, be patient.  But oh no, I couldn’t possibly have patience, I kept putting in the battery, and “trying” it. 

I upgraded software with it yesterday by plugging it into my computer and using Blackberry desktop, it worked briefly but was still screwy, so I put it on the dryer and left it and so far today, it works.

So, if this happens to you – words of wisdom from somebody here who never does as she’s told.

1.  Immediately take out battery.

2.  Plunge phone and battery into a bag of dried rice, seal to get out the air and leave it for three days.  The rice absorbs moisture and dries phone.

3.  LEAVE THE BATTERY OUT.  You can short out the circuit board with damp components, which we thought had happened to me.

Hopefully, this won’t happen to you.  It’s a pain when it does, and I quickly discovered I’m way too dependent on my phone.  Duh, no surprise…

Finger still hurts when I type, car isn’t going yet, apparently the new starter they installed was bad, but oh well, it will all work out.

I’m making caramel corn this afternoon to take to Johns, it’s an old recipe that I’ve made for years, and it’s a goodie.  Here’s a link to try it  if you have the urge.

We’re heading to Nashville for a couple of days, then next week, going to visit Cuppycake! Oh, and her parents, too.  Oops, sorry guys, I didn’t mean to omit you.   EmbarrassedAbby is out for a car ride this afternoon,  she’s  leaf peeping.  Gawjus day for fall colors with a sweet little bebe riding in her infant seat, makes their world brighter this pretty October Sunday, I’m certain…

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