Let's talk about smells, specifically how our house smells. I have a neighbor, Janet, whose house always smells WONDERFUL. She told me that it's due to Bath & Body Works Plug-In Diffusers, you know those little thingies that you plug into the walls. She tends to buy what's on sale, mostly flowery scents, and her house always smells really fresh.
Marti went out and bought scents from Bath & Body Works for her house, and again, it smelled great. She bought flowery scents, too. So, naturally I have to jump on the bandwagon, and I load up with all kinds of scents. I had brown sugar vanilla in the den, and clean linen in the bedroom, and some kind of flowery scent in the living room.
Lindsay and I were shopping a couple of weeks ago and I decided I needed to try Juicy Nectarine. Unfortunately they were sold out at our store, but she picked one up for me on her recent trip to Nashville.
I'm in love. Oh, I can't tell you how good this smells, ladies. No more flowery scents for me, nope, it's fruit for me from now on. I should have realized this because Yankee Candle's Pineapple & Citrus has been my fave for a couple of years now. And ever since Ang introduced me to the Febreze scent machine, I've been using their Tropical Scent Stories Disks. I've never been a vanilla girl like Ang and V, Nisha, too. Never been a spicy/cinnamony type either, too 80's for me. But I've found my niche with the fruity stuff... It's ME, it's REALLY ME!!!
And the clerk at Bath & Body Works told me that they have a new pineapple scent coming out this month. I'm SO there... I'm replacing EVERY ONE of my plug-ins with Juicy Nectarine!
If you aren't on to these things, give them a try. They have a huge assortment, they smell mahvelous, dahling, and you can decide if you are a fruity or a flowery girl....