Ladies, you haven’t lived until you tried to pot flowers with a bunny rabbit as your helper. Butterbean is getting bigger now, so we let him out of his hutch, and he explores the patio. It’s fenced, so he can play in a safe environment. He also eats the fronds on my ferns, chews on the hostas, and nibbles on pretty much everything, including tree leaves. He hops from one end of the patio to the other at breakneck speed, and then he jumps high in the air, and does a complete spin before he lands. Talk about entertaining!!!!
So now that he’s used to us letting him roam the patio when we are out there to watch him, as soon as he sees us he starts jumping on the door of his hutch, trying to get out. And did I say that he’s nosey? O.M.G, I didn’t know rabbits were so inquisitive, but trust me they are. He has his little face stuck in everything!
This morning was cool, clear and gorgeous, and the flats of impatiens and begonias were calling my name, so, with hubby’s help, and Butterbean’s too, I might add, it was time to plant.
Well, he nibbled on the begonias, he stuck his head in the bucket of potting soil, he sat beside me, he did everything but dig in the dirt, which I’m sure he would do, if left to his own devices.
It was so much fun, that little rabbit, right in the middle of everything! The M&M’s co-exist with him pretty well. He and Mags are buds, she sniffs his tail, he sniffs her nose, they hang out. Mollie isn’t as interested, she gives him a quick once-over, then goes to lie in the shade.
And so is life, this pretty spring day in Heavensville. God’s little creatures certainly brighten my world….