Monday, January 1, 2018

A holiday surprise


It was going to be such a great Christmas.  Ry and family were coming for six days, I had so many plans, all organized on an Excel Spread Sheet.  The gifts were wrapped, the fridge was bulging with food to prepare, the recipes were all organized,  I was so looking forward to it.  They arrived late in the day on Thursday, we had a nice dinner, I played with the grandkids, went to bed and in the middle of the night I started getting chills.  By morning I had such a headache I couldn’t get out of bed and there is where I stayed the entire time they were here, except for Christmas evening I was up for a few hours.

Talk about the pits!  I didn’t want to make anyone else sick and thankfully I was able to contain the germs to our bedroom.   I had the flu, low grade temp, achy body and that relentless headache. 

I’m getting better, slowly, but now the kids are long gone and I didn’t even get to watch them open presents Christmas morning.  

Then fast forward to New Years Eve.  Our friends, Rich and V, were coming, we’ve spent many New Years Eves with them, and of course that didn’t happen either.  I’m still recovering and the weather is absolutely wretched.  Nothing went as planned this year, nothing!

Poor pitiful me, what a disaster Christmas was at our household...

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