Wednesday, April 1, 2015

You can rent goats to mow your lawn!


Amazon has this new service that allows you to rent goats to mow your lawn.  Seriously, this is no April Fools joke.  You can have them drop the goats off, then they will pick them up.  It’s called Goat Grazers and is available from Amazon Home Services.  Of course you have to live in New York, San Francisco or Seattle, so I may have to move.

I’m a huge goat lover, I would so do this just for the fun of it.  It’s great in theory but can’t see how it would actually work, what would keep the goats from running into the streets, but it will be interesting to follow.  When I read this at People Pets this morning, I thought it was a prank, and I kept scrolling down expecting to see APRIL FOOLS, but it’s not a joke. 

And last night on the evening news they say that they can use drones to herd goats.   Absolutely a . m . a . z . i . n . g !

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