Saturday, October 5, 2013

Tang Pitchers, a blast from the past...




Does anybody remember this?  It's a Tang pitcher from the 70's.  You bought the Tang, they gave you the pitcher.  Well my mother never threw anything away and for years this very same style of Tang pitcher sat in her fridge.  It was filled with tea, or water, or duh, TANG!   Mother did love her a cold glass of Tang.

So yesterday when hubby and I were on the 200 mile Garage Sale trek thru Kentucky, I spotted this pitcher, and since I'm so nostalgic these days I had to have it.  LC, the big spender coughed up 25 cents for it and I brought it home.

But it's 2013, time to update that pitcher.  



I'm going to buy a can of Kyrlon Plastic Paint and have hubby spray the lid!  Oh the possibilities, Sun Dried Tomato looks good, Ivy Leaf is another possibility, or Sunbeam, it's fabulous and yellow is my favorite color!.  But nah, it's fall and I'm in a Pumpkin Orange kinda mood, so Pumpkin Orange it will be!

Perfect isn't it, orange juice, orange lid.  Tada.  But wait, I don't drink orange juice these days.  It's gonna have to be Crystal Lite Orange Sunrise faux orange juice.  Sounds classy doesn't it, "faux orange juice."  Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I'll update you with the finished picture.  Bet you can't wait for that, huh...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Peeps it is...



When I first started following Crazy Miss Tammy, the best makeup artist to ever be on YouTube, she called everybody "Peeps" and it annoyed me.  But the more I heard her, the more I liked it, because, well, she's Tammy.

I've always called my followers on the blog, "Ladies" but from now on, as a tribute to the fab Miss Tammy, you will now all be called "Peeps" as well.

That is all.  ~ Jan

6 Things Happy People Never Do


I ran across a post on Facebook this morning that we can all learn from.  

Happy people do a lot of things.  They spend time expressing gratitude, cultivating optimism, practicing kindness, nurturing loving relationships, committing to meaningful goals, savoring life’s little pleasures, and so on and so forth.

But they NEVER…

Continue reading here...

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Well that was stupid...







So I stumble out of bed this morning, bleary eyed, go directly to the bathroom, sit on the side of the tub to brush my teeth as I always do.  The side of the tub?  Yes, I always brush my teeth in the tub because I'm too lazy to wipe out the sink afterwards, and besides I usually spray the mirror.  I know, too much information, but anyway, it was early, I didn't turn on the light, just grabbed the toothpaste tube, squirted it on there and started to brush.

Blechtttt!!!!!  Something was very wrong, I quickly spit it out, looked at the tube, and I was brushing my teeth with L'Oreal Conditioner.  Oh my, it was a horrible taste, just horrible!  Oh well, it could have been worse, I suppose, I could have picked up a tube of something much more vile than conditioner...

There's no hope ladies, no hope!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Highway Sing-A-Long, Build Me Up Buttercup


Crank up those speakers and get your blood pumping this morning, great tune, super video...

Monday, September 30, 2013

Kenny and Dolly, You Can't Make Old Friends...



I'm such a Dolly fan, and there was nothing better back in the day than Dolly and Kenny singing Islands in the Stream.  They've teamed up again and the magic is still there, this video is guaranteed to give you goosebumps!

It was a gentle reminder of how lucky I am to have friends who have weathered life's storms with me.  I have wonderful women who have been in my life for years and years, and I cherish their friendships.

This video is for you dear hearts,  you  know who you are.  Love you always,  Jan...

Oh, I must give credit to my sweet daughter-in-law, who thinks Dolly hung the moon.  She posted this video on her blog, Harris Sisters GirlTalk earlier today.  I just had to snag it...

And one more time, just for old time's sake, this is pure magic, one of my all-time favorite songs, they just don't make music like this anymore...

We've been to visit the Grandkids...



Oh my where do I start…  First Ben, he's thirteen months old now and busy beyond belief.  Lindsay and Ryan have called him "Destructo Baby" for months now because he destroys everything in his path.  We took a morning run to Trader Joe's on Saturday, and Daddy apparently sat the cart too close to the Gingersnaps.  This happens often, we think he will surely be a basketball player because of his long reach.  

Now he's walking, staggering around because he doesn't quite have his balance figured out, refusing to let anyone touch him, screaming if you try to hold his hand.  So you walk with him, surrounding him, but not touching.  He's happy little guy, teething like crazy, but still in a good mood.  He loves Abby, watches her constantly, taking swipes at her when she's within his reach, which of course annoys her, but she's perfected the duck and run.  

He loves Daddy, but his favorite thing in the world is his Mama, when she leaves the room, his whole world collapses.  He' a snuggly little guy, tucking into your shoulder and grinning, and he's very vocal, of course none of us know what he's saying, but he has a lot to talk about...



Next week is Abby's 4th birthday, but since we won't be there, we celebrated this weekend.  I brought her stuffed Peanuts characters and the books that went with them, and she sat and read them by herself.  It's something to see, this little girl just reading whatever you put in front of her.

I also brought her a wooden puzzle of the United States, remember those from when we were kids?  She loved it, and the names of the state capitals were on the puzzle board itself.  She would pick up a piece of the puzzle, read me the name of the state, and I would tell her what the capital was, and she would search the board until she found it, and then put the piece on top of it.    Her favorite capital was Boise, she must have liked the sound of it, she would clap her hands when she found it and say "Boy-zeeeeee."  I am constantly surprised at the things she can do, she just figures things out.  When she unwrapped it, I tried to explain to her that it was a map of the United States, she looked at the puzzle and said, "Oh, I get it, it's the earth, Grammie."

I taught her to spell Mississippi, M-i-crooked letter, crooked letter, i-crooked letter, crooked letter i-humpback humpback-I, just as I learned when I was a little girl.  She picked right up on that and would spell it and giggle, and then I thought, oh my, it's a different generation, is this politically correct?  Oh well, too late now, Grammie always seems to push a button, it's just the way I roll.  And yes, I know I'm bragging, but don't we all brag on our grandchildren, they are so precious...

Happy Anniversary!!!



John and Deanna's anniversary was Friday, and they celebrated this weekend, all weekend!  They're so happy together, just had to share the joy with all of you this morning….

Great Halloween Ideas



I recently discovered a new blog site, Between Naps On the Front Porch, maybe my friend, Carlene led me to it.  But anyway, it's a good one to bookmark, today she has Halloween Ideas.  Check her out here, you will enjoy it.  

Happy October tomorrow… ~ Jan

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