Friday, January 3, 2014



A Winter Storm is possible this weekend in Heavensville.  Accumulating snow will begin late Saturday and continue into Sunday along with Arctic air and polar wind.  We're talking about temperatures falling to their lowest levels since 2004 next week!

Okay, I’ve had enough of winter.  I’ve alway said I wouldn’t be a snowbird, that I enjoy being home too much, but I’ve changed my mind.  This winter is terrible, and we’re just getting started.  It’s going to snow this weekend and be at least -6 by Tuesday night.  

Putting up pictures of tropical islands as my computer desktop wallpaper just isn’t working for me!  Waaaaaaaaa

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A healthier you in 2014

As the years advance, the need to be healthier is forefront and center for yours truly.   I took a gigantic step last May 23rd when I started eating low carb.  I’m still excited about it, feel so much better eating with only a few healthy carbs, my weight is steadily going down, it’s really working for both hubby and I.  But exercise, meh, I know I need to do it, but I absolutely hate feeling winded, painful, sweaty, I’m not a fan.  Okay, let’s face it, I’m lazy when it comes to exercising, I know I am, but I’ve always loved the thought of Yoga.  My daughter-in-law Lindsay loves it, but she’s hardcore, and her Yoga is intense.

I’ve been searching for easy, age appropriate yoga and I’ve found it.  It’s chair yoga for seniors.  You don’t sweat, you don’t feel pain, you just stretch and relax. You can do it sitting at your computer, just try it, nobody will know, and you will feel so relaxed when you finish.  Pinkie swear you will.  And the best part, it’s free, just watch this YouTube Video for Gentle Yoga, bookmark it and you can do it anytime.  There are several chair yoga videos and yoga for seniors on YouTube, and if the one below doesn’t ring your chimes, try another.  It’s the perfect time.  I like to mix things up, so if I find other videos I prefer, I’ll post them for you.


And now for vitamins….

A couple of months ago my gynecologist sent me home with a  list of vitamins that I should be taking.  It was the usual supplements, calcium, B12, etc. that I am taking, but he also listed Magnesium, twice daily, 250-350mg per dose.

I actually picked up a bottle last weekend, and this morning Coconut Mama posted the following link on Facebook, and I thought it relevant enough to share with all of you.

What a good time to reevaluate what we are doing to stay healthy, read this article, maybe you need to be taking magnesium as well.

Happy New Year my blogging friends, let’s all make it a healthier one.  ~ Jan

Here’s Coconut Mama’s Article

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Best EVER Blackeye Peas Casserole for New Years Day


My daughter-in-law was talking about Black Eye Peas for New Years, and I told her about this recipe.  It’s from my almost 96 year old next door neighbor, the gourmet cook. Oh, this is such a great dish, if you’re thinking of eating Blackeye Peas tomorrow, you might want to check this out.  ~ Jan

Here’s the link

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