Saturday, March 22, 2008

I've got an Easter goodie for you ladies...

This is a clip from the Easter Parade, circa 1948, starring Fred Astaire. You'lll love the hats and the fleurs at the florist shop...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Notes from the cow pasture...

In between feeding, and milking the cows and churning butter, there's no time to blog.... That's life in Kentucky this week. You do realize this is just my lame attempt at humor, I don't really feed or milk those cows...

We're visiting Ryan and Lindsay in Versailles, John and Tonia are here, too. Now that baby boy has moved next to a cow pasture, you might say I'm in hog cow heaven, enjoying the sunshine, checking out the back forty, umm back acre, I do tend to stretch it a bit, don't I?

We have, however, walked out to see the cows, Maggie shaking my arms. She's not to sure if she likes those bovine, especially when they moo.

Back home in Indiana in the morning, so check back tomorrow, I'll have more time to post.

I'm gone now, time to ring the cowbell. *giggle*

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

When in Rome Kentucky...

Possums sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the air.
Onced and Twiced are words.
It is not a shopping cart; it is a buggy.
People actually grow and eat okra.
"Fixinto" is one word.
There is no such thing as "lunch." There is only dinner and then there
is supper.
Iced tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when
you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar!
Backards and forwards means "I know everything about you."
DJeet? is actually a phrase meaning "Did you eat?"
You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what time it
is. You work until you're done or it's too dark to see.
You measure distance in minutes.
"Fix" is a verb. Example: "I'm fixing to go to the store."
You know what a "DAWG" is.
You carry jumper cables in your car . . . for your OWN car.
There are only own four spices: salt, pepper, Tabasco and ketchup.
The local papers cover national and international news on one page,
but require 6 pages for local gossip and sports.
The first day of deer season is a national holiday.
100 degrees Fahrenheit "a little warm."
We have four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, still Summer and Christmas.
Going to Wal-mart is a favorite past time known as "goin' Wal-martin"
or off to "Wally World."
A cool snap (below 70 degrees) is good pinto-bean weather.
A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola or pop . . . it's a Coke,
regardless of brand or flavor. Example: "What kinda coke you want?"
Fried catfish is the other white meat.
We don't need no stinking driver's ed . . . if our mama says we can
drive, we can drive.
EVERYONE can't be a Kentuckian; it takes talent. You might say it's an
art form or a gift from God!

Something you just have to see...

Robin from BirdTweets sent me this video, so of course I snagged it for all of you to see. You just won't believe this horse! Patches is amazing...

Yikes, we need a boat!!!

We've had seven inches of rain in Heavensville since yesterday! Everything fine with us, but poor Hooterville is flooded out. We got up at 6am and came to Versailles, poured the whole trip.

Linds and LC are working in the garage, I'm watching an Oprah rerun, and they are talking about the biggest mistake women make is buying clothes by size, not by fit. Egads, how many times have I poured myself into a number instead of wearing what actually fits! Queen of Denial here, how about you? I created a little poll in the left sidebar, be honest now, it's anonymous, it should be interesting to see what the rest of you do...

Later gators...

~ jan

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Smile. you're on Candid Camera...

Do we have to do this right now, I'm trying to bury this chewie!!!
Ya, ya, I know my new haircut is cute, I know I smell good,
I know I'm soft and have no tangles.... Jeez, Mom...


Not exactly Trigger or Buttermilk, but...

Since we're heading to Lexington, horse country, I thought i would post a horse video for you. It's from a recent Ellen show. I'm a huge Ellen fan, I think she is so funny and talented

Watch Ellen's face when she is on Roxie, she is just beaming.

Monday, March 17, 2008

My day never got better...

Poor Mags got stuck at the groomer's until 4:30 because the vet was in surgery and couldn't administer the shots they insisted on that I didn't want her to have in the first place. I did make them space them all out, and she didn't have a reaction, but she is one tired little puppy. And I was one fidgety Yorkie mom. I didn't want her in a cage all day, so I wasn't too happy. Just ask Marti and Trisher, they heard me whine about it this afternoon. Went to pick her up and they brought her out with a green shamrock bow in her hair, no it wasn't cute, it was hokey...

My day didn't get any better, I colored my hair, Loreal Natural Instincts, Golden Blonde, WRONG WRONG WRONG, it's ASH, not a bit of golden to it. So I'll be washing it with Tide tomorrow.

Miz Scarlett is gonna go to bed with a sweet smelling little dog, after I yank that darned silly bow outta her topknot.... Maybe read, probably just go to sleep...

Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's only a day away...

Just another day in paradise..

An early morning in Heavensville for me, took Maggie Moo for her groom at 7am. Why they want here there that early is beyond me, she's a snoozer, she never gets up before 10 a.m., so I had to drag her out of bed, hand feeding her kibble on the way over.

Then back home, where I managed to lock the keys in the car - BOTH SETS!!! Oh great. I thought we would have to call a locksmith, but I went online and found out that if you take the VIN number (you can see the VIN number on your dash through your windshield) to the car dealer, along with proof of identification, they can make you a new key. So I called them up, sure enough, they do it for only ten dollars. So, if any of you ever do this, it's good to know. Lots cheaper than a locksmith coming out...

Hubby and I are cleaning today, shampooing carpets, oh what a fun day we're having... Rant 3

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mom's Noodles...

I scrapped this recipe to go with Ryan's Chicken Noodle Soup. It really is Mom's Noodles.

She always made them by guess, but a few years ago, we made them together, measured everything, and this is the result. I've made them countless times, rarely make just one batch, I usually double this, sometimes triple it if the kids are home and we are making chicken and noodles. But if you just want them for soup, then one batch will do it. They are fast to put together, and so good you will never want package noodles again.

You can access this recipe at Milly Scraps. It's in the RECIPE section, in the Rice, Beans and Pasta Section.

Here's a quick CLICK if you want to access it directly. Homemade really is better, and it's not that much effort...

You can save yourself a lot of work if you buy a noodle cutter. I found this one on Amazon, it's called a Pasta Bike, and it's adjustable. I have no idea if it's a goodie or not, but you might want to check it out. Here's the CLICK!

You can usually find noodle cutters in kitchen shops, too.

St. Patrick's Day...

We all know that corned beef and cabbage is traditional on St. Paddy's Day. It's hubby's favorite, but not mine, my favorite is Colcannon. Sometimes called Bubble 'n Squeak when meat is added, Colcannon is just a mixture of mashed potatoes and shredded cooked cabbage. So easy, so good, total comfort food.

I've posted the recipe on Jan Can Cook, if you're interested, check it out HERE.

Sometimes you gotta know when to fold 'em...

Back in the day when a lot of you were listening to The Beatles and The Stones, I was listening to The Righteous Brothers. Oh yeah, Ebb Tide, Unchained Melody, Dream On, Rock 'n Roll Heaven, oh I was right there, groovin' to the beat... oh, that sounds so corny now, but that's what we used to say...
You're my soul and my life's inspiration
You're all I've got to get me by
You're my soul and my life's inspiration
Without you baby, what good am I

The years passed, Bobby Hatfield was found in his hotel room in 2003, dead from cocaine, and way past old enough to have known better. This year Bill Medley, now sixty-seven, released a new album, Damn Near Righteous. I ordered it from the library, and today I gave it a "spin."

OMG, that old tomcat should have given it up years ago. It was possively HORRIBLE. His gravely voice sounds more like a wounded polecat these days and he just can't cut it without Bobby. I just can't tell you how awful this cd was. Unlike Willie Nelson, who still has it, IMO, this old guy needs to head to out to Palm Springs to the Rock 'n Roll Retirement Home and give it up... Don't waste your time or money ladies, this one is a bummer...

I guess women aren't the only ones who have trouble with aging, poor ole' feller, he's lost it, too..

Tarzan and Jane have left the jungle

I awoke this morning to my computer going "ding, ding, ding" - it was my GoogleTalk, John was typechatting me. He and Tonia are at the airport in Johannesburg now, getting ready to fly home.

John said they had the most amazing experiences while on safari. They went out for two runs daily, four to five hours each time, and they would have an hour and a half bush walk. They saw the big five, elephants, tigers, lions, rhino and buffalo. Tons of giraffes and their babies, herds of elephants, a leopard sleeping in a tree. They got charged by an elephant, and the guide had to gun the jeep and make a run for it. He said to see a herd of elephants with their babies off in the bush is just breathtaking. They saw lion cubs too.

Their lodge wasn't busy at all, they had their own bungalow, only twelve other people were there. He said it was super service, wonderful accommodations, their bed was draped with mosquito netting. It was definitely the trip of a lifetime. Normally they are ready to come back to the USA, but not this trip. They would have loved to have stayed longer.

They will be home at noon tomorrow, I can't wait for the pictures. They took a ton of them and video, too. I'm sure I'll have some to post on the blog.

And that's my morning, it was a wonderful way to wake up....

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