Saturday, June 1, 2013

Matt Laurer, Karma is biting you in the butt!




You shouldn't have gotten  rid of Ann Curry!  Huge mistake, no colossal mistake!

Good Morning America” wins its first May sweep in 18 years and shows growth compared to the same week last year. At the same time, “CBS This Morning” had its best May since 1994 and was the biggest gainer of the month. The broadcast is up +19% in Total Viewers and up +7% in younger viewers. Some of those viewers, no doubt, at the expense of NBC’s “Today” which shed -6% of its viewership and lost -7% of its younger viewers compared to last May.

“GMA” is also up for the month (+11% / +4%) and remains the #1 morning program leading “Today” by its largest margin in viewers in more than 21 years and its largest demo gap in 20 years.

“CBS This Morning” also showed the most growth for the week, up a whopping +38% in Total Viewers and up +28% in younger viewers. “GMA” was also up (+13% / +6%), while “Today” was down (-5% / -10%). One bright spot for “Today:” it took last Tuesday — the day after the Moore, OK tornado — in the younger demo. That same day “CBS This Morning” drew 4.1 million Total Viewers, its biggest audience since Feb., 2004.

The averages for the week of May 20, 2013:

  • Total Viewers: ABC: 5.704M / NBC: 4.783M / CBS: 3.004M
  • A25-54 viewers: ABC: 2.102M / NBC: 1.992M / CBS: 1.058M


The averages for May 2013 Sweep:

  • Total Viewers: ABC: 5.729M / NBC: 4.856M / CBS: 3.174M
  • A25-54 viewers: ABC: 2.128M / NBC: 2.083M / CBS: 1.118M

Friday, May 31, 2013

Barbara Eden's Body



This is simply amazing.  I blogged last week about her fitting into her genie costume, here's more information from People Magazine.

Eden assures PEOPLE that the iconic midriff-baring costume had no special alterations. 

"The costume was made for a Lexus commercial I did," Eden tells PEOPLE. "About 10 years after the show went off the air. It has to have been at least 30 years."

So how did Eden maintain her Jeannie body over the years? 

"I spin three times a week," she says. "Then I work with a trainer for half an hour with weights. It's important to lift weights for your bones." 

She admits her pace has changed over the years, but that it is very consistent with her workouts. 

"I used to be in the front of the class," she says. "I don't do that anymore. I stay in the back, because I can't really keep up, but I do it for an hour." 

And though she has a sweet tooth, she maintains a healthy diet overall: "I have a good breakfast, and I try to have protein at lunch.

Women have "work" done to the face, but you can't bare the body and fool people, the woman is "SEVENTY EIGHT YEARS OLD!!!

"There are times when I am really upset with the time passing," she says. "But I have a loving husband [Jon Eicholtz] and really good friends. You can't possibly be what you were when you were younger. I am so lucky to be here. Really lucky."

She obviously has taken care of herself consistently, exercised and ate well, I'm in awe...

Thursday, May 30, 2013

If you love vintage, and you're girly, you'll like this….


I'm amazed at how clever people are.  There is a page I "like" on Facbook, called Vintagedragonfly Mosaics, and this woman has the loveliest collages.  She posted this today, and it's just so pretty.  Of course I think the mason jar all decked out with bling is really special.  Just had to share, that's  all...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I love summer

We planted hydrangeas this summer, first ripping out the ugly woody, spindly, Little Princess Spirea that had been here for years.   I've wanted to do this for quite a while, and poor hubby wasn't really crazy about the idea of tearing out all of the spirea and digging all those holes for a bed of hydrangeas under a root bound tree,  but this year he decided it would be better to do it and just get it over with, so I would shut up about it.  We planted Forever & Ever Peppermint, a bed of eight plants,  and oh, they are so pretty, it  makes me smile when I walk to the front door.  When they grow into a mass, they will be glorious.

 Remember what gardeners always say, the first year they sleep, the second year they creep and the third year they leap.  They're so pretty now, I can't imagine what they will look like in two more years.



The patio is coming along, too, it's really shady now, the trees are maturing and i'm limited on what I can plant.  More pictures later, when the plants grow a bit more.  We have had such a cool spring that everything got a late start.



Now if it would just stay like this, everything lush and green, but hot days are ahead, and summer won't be nearly as much fun as it is right now.  Gotta live in the moment and enjoy this great weather while I have it...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Remembering the true meaning of Memorial Day...

And I'm proud to be an American,

where at least I know I'm free.

And I won't forget the men who died,

who gave that right to me. -Lee Greenwood

Kim Novak at 80


Here is eighty year old Kim Novak with fifty-two year old Tilda Swinson at Cannes this week.  Who'd ya rather?????  

I'm thinking 80 year old Kim Novak looks pretty darn good, too!!!!!!  'Nuff said!

Let's hear it again for the old girls!!!

Barbara Eden in the harem outfit...


This is her last night at the 2013 Life Ball in Vienna Austria.

The woman is seventy-nine years old and still rockin' the harem costume.  I'll never understand why foreign countries embrace older women and the United States shun them.  No way would she be invited to do this here!  

I think she looks amazing.  Let's hear it for the old girls!!!!!

The honeysuckle is in bloom...



There is nothing better than the smell of honeysuckle on a summer evening and last night when we were out for an evening ride on the golf cart,  the fragrance was so strong it was intoxicating.  I adore honeysuckle, I grew up with it on my beloved ditch bank,  and then when the kids were little it was in a field behind our house.  I have wonderful memories of my sweet little boys, fresh from their evening bath, sitting with me on the back steps just smelling the honeysuckle.

I hope you live where it's in bloom, and if you don't have access to it, just take a ride in the country with the windows down on a nice summer evening and you will be rewarded with it's amazing fragrance.

Another simple thing...

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