Saturday, December 12, 2009

I’m in love….

What was your favorite Christmas gift as a child?

With me, it was always dolls.  Oh, I loved my dolls, played with them constantly, never had a doubt that I would be a good mother, because I always loved dolls and baby animals so much as a child.

When I was seven, I got a little red trunk, filled with doll clothes and a bride doll.  I can still remember how I felt when I opened that trunk and saw that doll.  It was pure magic…

Friday, December 11, 2009


Carlene just emailed me to ask, “why no blogging?”  Just like the rest of you, I’ve been super busy.  I did redo the header, that other one was pretty lame, so I got up this morning at 4am, redid the header and got the link up for the holiday recipes.

If you’re new to the blog, this recipe collection is another goodie.  All my friends tried and true favorites. 

Baby Abby is just doing great.  She’s smiling now and trying to laugh, we’re going to visit for a couple of days next week.  It’s just so hard to stay away from her.

Check out my Christmas recipes, if you’re looking for something new to try this year.  I’ll be back, soon.  I’m starting to get a handle on things.

~ jan

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A doggy Christmas surprise

I saw this on Hooterville’s blog earlier today.  Had to snag it to share.  This is positively adorable!!!


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby, it's cold outside...

We've had a blustery day in Heavensville, 50 mph winds, falling temperatures.  I've had a tri-state boomer of a headache all day.  Stayed in, made soup, read by the fire, cuddled the M&M's.  It was a perfect day for this.

I did some Christmas shopping online, too. Don't you just love sitting around in your jammies ordering things? 

Poor Deanna is flying into Nashville tonight in this windy weather, I'll be glad when she arrives safely.

And that's it from my little corner of the world.  I hope you and yours are tucked in safely tonight...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

As The World Turns is biting the dust…

I just read tonight that CBS is cancelling As The World Turns.  And Bonnie Hunt is getting cancelled, too.  Is The Young and the Restless next?

I still have fond memories of Carol Burnett parodying, “As The Stomach Churns.”   No more sitting around Emma’s farmhouse table, no hospital talk with Bob and Kim, all the familiar faces will be gone, soon.

I don’t like all these changes.  I want things to stay the same, and they never do.

It’s kind of sad, even though I seldom watch it anymore.  The end of an era.  But they had a great run, I believe I read 76 years, starting on the radio and then going on to television.

I can remember watching it in black and white when I was a little girl.  I used to be a sucker for the soaps, but that was before the computer, I seldom watch anything anymore….  I guess even I am changing with the times.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

This is pretty funny…

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