Saturday, December 12, 2009

What was your favorite Christmas gift as a child?

With me, it was always dolls.  Oh, I loved my dolls, played with them constantly, never had a doubt that I would be a good mother, because I always loved dolls and baby animals so much as a child.

When I was seven, I got a little red trunk, filled with doll clothes and a bride doll.  I can still remember how I felt when I opened that trunk and saw that doll.  It was pure magic…


  1. That is a very sweet memory of your favorite gift. I enjoyed reading your story about it. Nice job.

  2. For some years, I would always get a craft kit that included a white plaster figurine (maybe a cartoon character or animal) that I could paint. I'm not a crafty person, but I did like painting those things. They didn't look so great, but that didn't matter to me!


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