I simply ADORE cherry covered chocolates, Brach's have always been my faves, but I never see them anymore.
So I'm shopping last week, and I see these individually wrapped Cellas Dark Chocolate Covered Cherries. I flip them over to read the nutritionals, and they are only 60 calories per piece.
Hmmmm, that's not bad, just one point each, so I buy them.
WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Betcha can't just eat one!!!
Oh no, Miz Piggy here has eaten the whole box of twenty-four, except for these token four that are left, and which will in all probability be consumed by tonight. I'm not bringing this stuff into the house
ANYMORE!!!!! I'm
NOT... I have
NO willpower -
NONE!!! And I might as well zero them out and calculate how many calories i've ingested - let's see, 24x60 = 1440 calories *huge sigh*
On a happier note, see the little Chef. My buddy V bought him for me years ago, and I always put him out at Christmas. He used to hold a gingerbread boy, and I actually still have it, just needs to be super glued back on....
Miz Piggy should do something productive like repair the little chef and leave the chocolate covered cherries alone!!!!!!