When Series 1 Apple Watches were introduced, I didn’t get it. Why have a watch when you have to still have to carrry your phone around with you? Then along came Series 2, and I still wasn’t onboard. And then here comes Series 3 LTE, finally, it’s available with celluar capabilities, you don’t have to be tethered to your phone, you just have to cough up a few bucks a month for cellular service. I’m with Verizon, so for me it’s $10 a month.
When they introduced it last fall I liked it but I still wasn’t onboard. And then this spring I rethought it. Even though all the features are nice, calls, text, email, Siri, that’s not why I bought it. I’m getting older, not quite ready for the Life Alert, but if I fell and nobody was around, I could just use my watch to call for help. And while I hope this won’t happen, it’s an added layer of security and much better than that stupid “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” crap.
So I bought it, the bigger one, the 42mm, because I like big watches, and then I went on Amazon and bought lots of bands, and okay, I admit it, it’s fun to just change Minnie’s outfit colors to correspond with the bands. And I love the convenience, no more worrying about having your phone on you, your watch rings, you answer, easy peasy. And if you lose your phone, which I do multiple times daily, you can ping it with your watch.
Hubby and the boys were gone for a guys weekend and I was home alone. It was great having the watch, it was always on me so I was always in touch. It’s a little spendy, but the Life Alert system costs between $95 and $198 with a $49.95 monthly fee. This is by far a better alternative, and it’s cute!
And about the bands, I have several now, but the best deal was a package I bought from YOLO that has 8 bands in different colors. They look and feel like Apple Sport Bands that sell for $49 each, but the entire pack was $32.99 Prime. What a deal. Want to see them?
Here’s the link...
So if you’re getting older, or if you’re younger and have mobility issues, this is a great alternative to Life Alert. And I’m Jan, I can justify anything, it’s what I do. 🤪