Saturday, October 18, 2008

Your Daily Dose of Cuteness

Friday, October 17, 2008

Boogey Woogie Done Right - HOW DID YOU FIND ME??????

Okay, can somebody enlighten me. I've had a gadzillion hits on Jan's Daily Dish today, all from boogie-woogie-done-right. This happened a few months ago, then it gradually faded away.

Now again today, I've had several hundred hits all linking from Boogie Woogie Done Right. It's great that I'm getting all this traffic, but I'm really curious as to where my site was publicized for all these people to be linking to it.

Can some of you tell me. Either leave a comment or click on the icon in the right sidebar and send me an email.

Welcome to the Dish, I hope you all enjoy my nonsense...

Curious George Jan, here...

Remember this game show...

If you're under 50, just skip this, but if you're not you will remember Peggy Cass and Kitty Carlisle on To Tell the Truth - watch Kitty spit the dog food out, too funny..... I was a huge fan in the day!

Coffee, the best part of waking up...

I was a late bloomer to the coffee club, started drinking it in my early 50's, after reading some nonsense that it curbed your appetite. I didn't care for it, but continued to drink it occasionally, and now I've evolved into a full-fledge pot a day girl...

I'm picky, though, no Folgers or Maxwell House for me. I've tried them several times, but they just don't do it. So, what does it? Starbucks Sumatra is my latest have to have. I drank Komodo Dragon for a couple of years, ever since my neighbor, Janet, brewed me a cup. I was browsing the beans at Starbucks last winter and asked the barista what their biggest seller was, and he told me it was Sumatra. Oh, it's wonderful coffee, full bodied, rich, but very smooth. I'm hooked.

I have one of those pain in the ass Cuisinart Grind 'n Brew coffee makers. It makes great coffee, and I love the fact that it grinds my beans for me before the brew, but oh is it ever hard to clean. Linds has one also, she complains, too, but we put up with the hard to clean part because of the fresh grind. I tried a couple of different types of podmakers, you know the one cup kind, no mess, no fuss, just wasn't my thing. It didn't make enough and the flavor wasn't there.

I've been hearing a lot lately about fresh roasted beans and how you need to use beans within something like fifteen days for peak flavor. Apparently there are several companies that ship roasted beans to you, I'm thinking about trying it the next time Hooterville visits. We spar about coffee constantly, we don't agree on brands, she poo-poo's Starbucks, telling me I just buy it because it's trendy, I tell her that the samo brands she likes are boring... It's all in fun, and no, I don't buy Starbucks because it's trendy, I buy it because I genuinely like it...

I'm a tea drinker, too, but that's another post...

I'm off to the kitchen to brew a pot...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I've apparently stumbled onto the fountain of youth....

I was watching Fox News this morning, they were talking about how scientific studies have shown that surfing the internet and using the computer keeps your brain from aging.

I figure as much as I'm on this thing, I should have the brain of an 18 year old... Now if they could just do something about the body...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paula makes pie crust...

I watched this video this morning of Paula Dean making pie crust. She makes it looks so simple, and adds water one tablespoon at a time, using her hands.

She doesn't make it like Lindsay, who makes a killer crust with chilled bits of butter and shortening, but Paula makes it the way I've made it for years, except that I've never used my hands. 

I thought you might all enjoy watching this. And speaking of pie, I was just telling Linds last weekend that my birthday request is Lemon Meringue - mine and Hooterville's very favorite. The lemon meringue pie recipe she uses is from my Milly Scraps recipe section. I got it from Ann Lander's newspaper column, and I've made it for years. Here's the quick CLICK...

~ jan

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh Maw Gawd.....

We were out and about with the kids Monday morning, going for Thai at lunchtime, and after visiting Keenland we were hungry, but didn't want a heavy breakfast, so Ryan wheeled into this place they had been telling us about. It was called DoughDaddy's, and it was in a gas station....... A GAS STATION??? C'mon, get real.

I'm not kidding, it looked like an ordinary convenience store in a gas station, except there were people EVERYWHERE and when we went in, they had this huge counter of pastries, little old women were scurrying around behind the counter, they had an area with local food, cheese, meats, etc., I was fascinated.

I didn't really want a doughnut, so I had a Glorious Muffin, I've had Morning Glory Muffins before, so I knew what I was getting, or so I thought, but this one happened to be made with bran, and pineapple, and apples, and it was studded with carrots, and nuts, and raisins, and it was warm. OMG, one bite and I was a goner. Fresh french roast coffee laced with cream, that divine warm muffin, which tasted like no other I had eaten before, all consumed whilst sitting on a barstool in a gas station window. It was a life altering experience. I've never eaten breakfast while watching people pump gas... I'm hooked. DoughDaddy's will be a required stop when we visit Ry and Linds from now on...

Don't knock it 'til you try it. Remember, baby boy is a food snob... this place achieved rock star status in my book...

Did I mention that muffin was warm, just out of the oven???? Yeah, I know I did, but you just have no idea how good it was....

Hey, with a name like DoughDaddy's you just can't go wrong.... DoughDaddy, DoughDaddy, DoughDaddy Dough!!!

Apple Dumplings and Ice Cream, oh my......

We were on our way home from Lexington this morning, I was listening to Martha Stewart's Everyday Food on Sirius Radio, this lady called in and she's absolutely raving about Apple Dumplings made with a can of Mountain Dew. Well, naturally I perked right up because Apple Dumplings are an amazing thing, these were made with cresent rolls, so they were really easy.

When we got home, I Googled the recipe, it came up immediately, and sure enough, rave reviews. Pioneer Woman's Site is the best link for this recipe, not only does she tell you how to make them, she gives you a pictorial for doing so.

Here's the CLICK - go check it out for yourself, see if you don't think it looks awesome, too. And, if you happen to make these in the near future, drop me an email and tell me what you think, as Marti wants to make them for her Bunko group later in the month, and we need to know if the recipe needs to be tweaked at all.

UPDATE: I just found the recipe on another site, I was a bit confused about Pioneer Woman just using 1/2 can of Mountain Dew instead of 12 oz., but apparently she made a smaller batch. Here is more pictures, another
description, using the whole can - same recipe, great pictures here, also. Here's the CLICK!

Sources: Pioneer Woman & Yum Sugar

Monday, October 13, 2008

It’s fall, think pumpkin, specifically pumpkin bread…

My friend, Barb, gave me a wonderful pumpkin bread a few years ago.  I posted it in my Thanksgiving recipes, and many of you have written to tell me how good it is.

Lindsay loves it, she makes it often, gives it for gifts, she made it for us this weekend.  If you haven’t tried it, you’re missing out on a great recipe, ladies – it’s made with instant Jello Coconut Pudding, it’s really moist and just wonderful.

CLICK here if you want to check it out.


Should they or shouldn’t they?

I just read an article in the Drudge Report that Barack Obama favors women being required to register for the draft.  John McCain does not. 

Also, Mr. Obama would consider officially opening combat positions to women. Mr. McCain would not.

How do you feel about this?  In the event, that the draft is reinstated, do you think that women should have to register and fight alongside men?  The poll is on the left, anonymous, as always – the responses to this should be interesting, please take a moment and vote…

~ jan

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood…

In Versailles neighborhood, that is.  We’re visiting Linds and Ryan today, it’s a beautiful fall day, the red maples are a blaze of color. We visited Keenland this morning, walked down by the stables, took lots of pictures of them exercising the thoroughbreds, I have wonderful pictures to share – later…

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I need to add something about Lawrence Welk…

In yesterday’s post I referred to Lawrence Welk as wunnerful, wunnerful.  That’s not exactly true.  I really thought the whole show was pretty nerdy, except for The Lennon Sisters and JoAnn Castle playing honky tonk on the piano.  The rest of it, not so much…  Just wanted to clear that up…

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