Thursday, July 16, 2009

Farrah’s Story got nominated for an Emmy…

Finally, Hollywood did something right, which they rarely do these days.  How wonderful that they acknowledged something so poignant and meaningful.  Here’s what Alana Stewart had to say about it….

"It's very bittersweet. Farrah passed away three weeks ago today. It's quite a coincidence that three weeks later we find out about the Emmy nomination. I know that she would be so, so happy. This was so important to her, this project. She's been nominated before, and I just know that this would be the most important one of all. It's a wonderful way to honor her legacy ... I'm thrilled about it and I want to cry at the same time." — Farrah Fawcett's friend Alana Stewart, a producer of NBC's "Farrah's Story."

In the good ole’ summertime…

My buddy Jean, aka Hooterville, is visiting for a few days; we’ve been out and about, she’s been taking pictures.  We were at Burdette Park earlier today, she snapped me just livin’ in the moment…   Maggie was trouncing thru the fleurs, sweet little fur kid of mine…..



Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rollin’ down the river….

Well, not exactly, but hubby did take me to the riverfront tonight.  Nothing like it, cool breezes, boats at a distance, people watching with the girls curled up in my lap.

Water,  it always makes me mellow.  Life is good tonight…

Monday, July 13, 2009

Alana Stewart to publish Farrah Fawcett book next month…

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A close friend of late "Charlie's Angels" star Farrah Fawcett will publish her personal diaries about the actress' three-year struggle with cancer next month.

"My Journey with Farrah: A Story of Life, Love and Friendship," by Alana Stewart, will come out on August 11 -- less than two months after Fawcett succumbed to anal cancer on June 25. The book is thought to be the first insider's look at Fawcett's illness.

Stewart, the ex-wife of rocker Rod Stewart and a friend of Fawcett's for 30 years, said she was encouraged to go into print by Fawcett herself and by Ryan O'Neal, the "Love Story" movie star who was Fawcett's long time companion.

"Farrah had originally encouraged me to write this book. It was her idea. However, while I was contemplating my decision, her health took a turn for the worse, and I could no longer seek her advice," Stewart said in a statement.

"So I turned to Ryan O'Neal. He was so positive and so supportive. 'You have to do it', he said emphatically. 'There will be lots of people writing books about her. Yours will be the truth, and it will be a wonderful tribute to her. You have to do it!'", she said.

A portion of the proceeds will go to the Farrah Fawcett Foundation to support cancer research.

Fawcett told her own story in a heart-wrenching video diary of her last three years that was broadcast on U.S. television in May as the actress entered the final few weeks of her life in seclusion at her Los Angeles home.

Alana Stewart's book will be published by William Morrow, a unit of HarperCollins which is owned by News Corp.

Tweety Bird is 60 years old, now…


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Grandma Smith


My cousin Pam, sent me her blog entry yesterday, about memories of our Grandma.  She told the story so well, and after reading it, my memories were so vivid, my nose was actually stinging with the smell of wintergreen.  That’s how I remember her, always smelling of wintergreen.  Yes, Grandma was a Kentucky woman, and this was another lifetime.

It was wonderful to bring those memories to the surface again.  Thanks Pam for a wonderful blog entry.  I’m reprinting it here, I don’t think she would mind, and I thought some of you might enjoy  a bit of nostalgia today. 

She captured the essence of Grandma so perfectly, I’ve relived every word in my mind…

Every little girl should be so lucky as I was, to have a kind and loving grandma who taught me to crochet and thread a needle, but more importantly showed me how to be a grandma. She's been gone now for thirty-eight years and my memories are fading but I savor those that linger and play them over in my mind. Southern Illinois summers, pallets on the living room floor, small fans stirring the hot air, flipping the pillows over and over trying to find a cool side, June bugs bouncing off the back porch light bulb, wild dew berries and blackberries, chigger bites that itched for days, June apples and salt shakers, the outhouse with its bag of lime and spiders, fresh lemonade and iced tea, cistern water and the aluminum dipper, cousins Johnnie, Lucy, Jitterbug, Janice, and Steve, and always new baby cousins to hold and play with. Summertime trips to Harco were eagerly anticipated and never disappointing. Soon after arriving we trouped out through the back yard barefoot to Lois Naugle's store where we renewed our acquaintance with her, reminded her of our names and who our parents were - Pam, Mike, Francie and Kathy, Joe and Mildred's kids. We bought a Dixie cup or Nehi orange pop. What freedom! We walked back toward Grandma and Grandpa's house, passed the plum thicket along the road paved with coal cinders, passed the mulberry tree with its messy web worms and purple fruit, into the yard with its smoke house, garden, and pile of scrap metal.

Grandma loved to have her hair brushed. She wore it long and pulled back in a bun but longed to have it shaken loose and brushed by her grandchildren. We always grew bored with the task long before she was ready for us to quit. And Grandma dipped snuff, one of those endearing habits she learned from her Kentucky family. She kept a ladies handkerchief in the pocket of her house dress to wipe the little stream of brown saliva that dribbled out the corner of her mouth. She sang old lullabies to her grandbabies and rocked them in her lap, a soft, ample lap that jiggled when she laughed, which was often. There is a song by Gail Davies called "Grandma's Song" which I dearly love for it reminds me of my Grandma - Verla Leona Doss Smith, known as Verlie, Miss Smith, and Grandma.

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