Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Yoplait Delights Parfait, SERIOUSLY delicious…

Okay ladies, I never steer you wrong, do I?  Nope, I never do.   Law-dee, let me tell you, these things are pure heaven, nectar of the gods, bone tingling delicious. The kind of thing you take a bite, roll your eyes and go, OMG, OMG, this is delicious!  For real they are.

I picked up a pack of Caramel Creme.  One taste and and you won’t miss dessert, pinkie swear.  The taste is unbelievably good.  Reminiscent of a tart, tangy creme brulee. 

Next I’m trying the Lemon Torte,  then the Chocolate Raspberry.  The Triple Berry Creme doesn’t do it for me as much, but I’ll eventually get around to those as well.

Check them out here, all are 100 calories of pure decadence.  Trust me on this one, they are to-die-for.

~ jan

Look who our lunch date was today….

I had to go back to Louisville today to the dentist, so LC and I met Lindsay and Abby at Cracker Barrel.  She has on tennies!  And she walks in them really well…..  Oh, she’s growing up so fast..




Monday, October 18, 2010

The happy couple….


Look who the birthday girl is, today...

It's my buddy, V, also known as Auntie Caca to bebe granddaughter, Abby....

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oh dear, I’m afraid I’m turning into one of those gushy Grammies….


Ryan and Lindsay took Abby to Red Robin for lunch and Linds sent me this picture of her drinking out of a straw. I was soooo excited when I saw it!

Oh, grandchildren do this to you, don’t they, you get thrilled over the simplest little thing they do.  Every day now she learns something new, and it just makes my day to hear about  it.  Her parents are really good about sharing each milestone with me, I’m so lucky that they are so thoughtful.

Apparently this latest trick  was a huge hit. Sweet bebe loved the idea, and wanted to do it over and over again.

I hope I don’t bore all of you with this, it’s just such a kick in the pants for me every time I get a picture!!!

~ jan

Cuddling with an elephant seal….

I have a little magic for you this morning.  This is guaranteed to give you warm fuzzies and bring a tear to your eye.  What a lover this seal is.  Who would have thought they would do something like this.  A once in a lifetime experience, this is simply amazing.

Thanks for sending this, Carlene – you’re the best!

~ jan

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