Let's see, I've been washing my hair with my Pantene Ice Shine Shampoo, rinsing with Pantene Conditioner, the bottle is almost gone and I couldn't figure out why my hair wasn't soft and tangled when it was wet. Finally put on my glasses, and realized that I had been putting on Shampoo/Conditioner instead of conditioner. Well, it was white, it looked just like this bottle, but no wonder it wasn't soft! Jeesh.
Hubby fed Maggie her dinner tonight, I fed her again. She wouldn't eat it. Duh...
And I did something that really surprised myself. I'm not self-conscious about my age, it doesn't bother me that I'm sixty-three, actually I'm pretty proud of the fact that I've made it this far, but… I talk to Ronni, a customer service rep really often, it's a long story, but we've gotten to know each other and she asked me the other day how old I was. Ya know, I felt really embarrassed telling her I was sixty-three. What was that about???? I have no clue, but it bothers me that it bothered me. Know what I mean, Vern? Just when you think you know yourself, something like this happens. Drats, just when I thought I had it together, too.
I did something else so stupid that I couldn't believe it. And now I've forgotten what it was.
There is no hope, there is no hope...