Friday, April 6, 2018

Thoughts during a sleepless night...



The Good:

It’s 2am, the house is quiet, I’m awake, and with crystal clarity I easily solve all the world problems, my problems, my family and friends problems, the national debt, you  name it, I have an answer for everything.  Heck, I solve problems for people that don’t even know they have problems.  I plan wonderful menus, I think of ideas for witty blog posts, I plan trips and fun things to do with the Grands.  I’m a freakin’ genius at 2am!

The Bad:

It’s 2am and I’m awake.  Fast forward to 3am, then 4am, yep, still awake.

The Ugly:

Ya know all the things I’m so brilliant at solving and planning at 2, 3 and 4am?  Yep, you guessed it, at 7am when I wake for the day, every . single . thought I had in the middle of the night has totally disappeared.  It’s gone, poof, vanished forever, never to be remembered again.  Well, until  tomorrow at 2, 3 and 4am when I can’t sleep.  I should tell my thoughts to a tape recorder in the middle of the night, but poor hubby wouldn’t appreciate that, it’s bad enough that he’s trying to sleep while I’m tossing and turning, if I start talking too, well it wouldn’t be one of my better ideas.

Jan, feeling tired and frustrated today because of all of those great ideas that I can’t remember. And they were good, too!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Waiting on spring...



It’s early for warm sunny days, only April 4th, but we had a tease of spring in February, the daffy’s started blooming, buds were appearing on the trees, silly me switched out my closet and then BAM!  Every day I think today it will be warm, today the sun will shine, and it does occasionally and then it’s cold a and dreary again.  Freezing temps again tonight, sweater weather, gray skies, March wind in April.  

Wah-wah, at least we didn’t have snow on Easter, but the wait for warm weather and blue skies and less sinus issues is moving forward at a snail’s pace.  Spring where are you???

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