Saturday, June 21, 2014

Abby's growing up so fast....


Sweet little granddaughter’s first riding lesson.  She’s clearly having a blast, there is pure joy on her face.

Since they live in Lexington, the horse capital of the world, it was only a matter of time until she started riding.   Now how long until she gets her own horse?   Somehow I don’t think her Daddy is quite ready for that...


Friday, June 20, 2014

Tammy's Baby Foot Review


I really admire Tammy (Uppiesbeads59) as you well know if you’re a regular read of my blog.  This beautiful woman  just lays it all out there and tells it like it is.  There is no pretense with Tammy, she’s the real meal deal, and genuinely does her best to help women in our life long quest to be anti-aging.

She uploaded this video about Baby Foot, it’s a must see if your feet need attention, and at the end of the video, it is unbelievable what a difference this treatment makes.  

She say’s its difficult to find, I found it on Amazon for $21.48 a pack, not Prime, but a good price.  Obviously this won’t work for me, but I bet a lot of you can identify with dry cracking feet.  Give this a watch, this woman is pure gold!!!!  And if you haven’t subscribed to her YouTube channel, do it, she will teach you so much.

Love you, Tammy, you’ve the best!  

Bisous my friend, Bisous!!!

Thelma and Louise, twenty years later...

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Sure, they’ve had work done, and you may or may not approve of their politics, but you have to admit, for a couple of old broads, these two look amazing!  Hats off to the old(er) girls...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Are you streaming Amazon Prime music yet???

NewImageNow that Amazon Prime is streaming music free, I finally got on the bandwagon after my friend, Holly, reminded me about it.  There are apps of course, I have one on my iMac and it’s super easy to  use.  I haven’t uploaded to my iPhone or iPad yet, but I will, just a busy week here.

Anyhoo, if you’re a Prime member and haven’t done this, you can build a really great library for no money.  My favorite album so far, Breakfast at Tiffany’s.  Oh, I do love this album, easy listening...

Try it, it’s a good thing!  ~ Jan

Cedar Cove, 2nd Season




It’s back ladies, premieres July 17th.  Mark your calendars, it’s worth watching just to see Andie MacDowell’s wardrobe and the scenery! 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Paderno Vegetable Slicer, McDonald's Diet Tea and more, some of my favorite things this summer...

NewImageFuze Slenderize Tropical Punch, 10 Calories, 1 Carb, and delicious.  It’s not like Hawaiin Punch, it’s pineapple, apple, mango and has Garcinia Cambodia which will help curb your appetite.  The other Fuze Slenderize flavors have 3 carbs, but Tropical Punch, only one!


I had Mickey D’s Diet Tea for the first time yesterday, and all I can say is “oh my.”  I asked hubby three times if he was sure it was Diet, since he went inside to order it.  It’s so good, you would swear it’s fully leaded sweet tea.  I couldn’t find nutritional info online so I called them, it’s 0 calories, 0 carbs.  Works for me...


My Paderno Spirelli Slicer just showed up on Williams-Sonoma, how about that.  It’s $39, but you can grab it on Amazon for $26.54, free shipping if you have Prime.  I would’t be surprised if they didn’t change that price ASAP, since it’s the exact same thing and it’s so much pricier on Williams-Sonoma site.  Here’s the link if you’re interested.  This is a great deal, I think I paid $35 or $39 for mine on Amazon months ago.  

And what’s so great about this?  Well, this is actually my third rodeo with these slicers.  I started last year with an OXO Julienne Cutter.  I blogged about it and thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread for making my low carb zucchini/squash pasta.  But I took it when we visited John and Deanna and forgot to take it home, so I read about the Spirelli Spiral Slicer, people seemed to like it, so I bought it on Amazon.  I was never a fan of this, it was so hard to use, it was awkward, it wasn’t nearly as good as the little OXO Julienne Cutter and I paid $28 dollars for the darned thing.

But the more I got into low carbing, the more I learned and realized that the Paderno is the one that people prefer.  So then I bought it, and it’s just the most amazing little machine.  It turns out wonderful faux pasta, it’s so easy to use, I’m including a video below of this lady demonstrating it, and she cuts her zucchini mid way down to make short pieces.  If you want to buy something new this summer, this is a great little investment, faux pasta is wonderful.  Good with fresh herbs, pesto, or just butter and garlic.  Hubby and I are huge fans…  This lady explain this well..

 And finally, I have a repeat for you.  This is hands down the best little gadget I’ve bought in years, and you all know that I’m the Gadget Queen.


I bought this a few months ago, blogged about it, and have to follow up because It’s changed my life.  Okay, quit rolling your eyes, it has!

For those of you who struggle with jars, the EZ Off Jar Opener is this amazing little piece of equipment that mounts under your upper kitchen cabinet, it’s totally hidden, you can’t see it, and you just give any kind of a jar or bottle a twist counter clockwise and the lid pops right off.  The best part is that you can use both hands to turn something so it never spills.

Here it is on Amazon, just think, you, too can change your life for only $16.95.

~ Jan


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day is full of special moments...

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Ryan and Lindsay with Ben and Abby at her Grandmother’s house in Alabama yesterday, John with Lexi at brunch this morning.   Sometimes there are just no words, such precious families...

Remembering Daddy

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This is the Daddy I never knew as a young man.  He was thirty-six when I was born, this picture with his sister was taken in his twenties.  But  Daddy lives on in our John,  the genetics are so strong, the bone structure is the same, it’s shocking sometimes because when I see John, I see Daddy.

He was a great dad, kind and gentle, he sang with me, called me his “Sweet Georgia Brown”  and jitterbugged with me in the living room.  He loved to read, and as a toddler he taught me all the nursery rhymes, and patiently taught me to read before I started school.  He was a fine man, always interested in my life, my grades, my activities and kept the communication open when I was a teenager.   He thought Larry was great, loved his grandsons, didn’t quite know what to do with little boys, as his life had always been filled with first, many sisters, and then me, but he tried his best and loved them dearly.

He’s been gone for nineteen years now, but I have wonderful memories, and in my mind I can still hear his voice and his laughter.  I was so blessed to have him in my life.  Happy Father’s Day, Daddy, you will always live on in my heart...

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