Saturday, April 7, 2007

Easter has been cancelled!

I know, I know, this is really bad, but it was too funny not to share.

Thanks Barb for the laugh of the day!

I love the black ones..... *sigh* none for me this year...

Friday, April 6, 2007

I've got a recipe for you...

Nisha shared one of her favorite EASY Easter recipes, it's posted on Jan Can Cook. Check it out here!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Old dogs are like old men....

We all know how an old man perks up when a pretty "young thang" is around. The old geezers make absolute fools out of themselves. Well, apparently, so do DOGS!

With Auntie Hooterville and Cousin Doughboy here this week, Albie, aka Doughboy, who is an elderly fifteen years old now, with just a wee bit of spread to his backside, turned into a frisky young pup again when Maggie Moo was around. She would tease him, wanting him to play with her, and he would bark and romp, chasing Mags around the living room.

Well, he would do it for a few minutes and then he would have to lay down and rest a bit, and then he would go right back and play some more. Silly old dog, we worried that he might have a heart attack. You can't really blame him though, that Maggie Moo is quite the hottie! So it's not only old men who like the younger ladies, apparently so do old dogs. But then, aren't most old men, old dogs? Ohhhhh, bad girl Jan, bad girl..... shame on you....

It's true though, isn't it ladies??? Men Schmen!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Nothing cuter...

Than Maggie Moo sniffing the spring fleurs. Hooterville is visiting for a few days, she's taking great shots, as usual, this one of my sweet little Mags is just SO cute.

Unfortunately, our gawjus spring is ending, weather forecasted in the high 20's four nights in a row in Heavensville. I'm afraid spring is going to be wrecked, as everything is pretty much in full bloom right now.

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