Thursday, March 9, 2017


Okay, let’s talk...


When we moved, three months ago, I dutifully promised my family that I would declutter and get rid of stuff.  Oh, I had such good intentions, but it just isn’t happening like poor hubby had hoped it would.  But everybody that comes here thinks my house has a lot less in it than my condo did.  And when they tell me that, I just shake my head and laugh, because I still have it all, it’s just spread out.

In my defense, and I can justify pretty much anything, but seriously I have a thousand more square feet than I had before, more closets, and they’re all walk in, more bathrooms, are you getting the picture?  I have a lot more room to organize things.  And I have done a good job, patting myself on the back here, everything is 100% organized thanks to hubby and his penchant for having things neat.  It’s been pure torture, though, what a mess we’ve had getting to this point.

But back to getting rid of things.  I have sixty totes, yes that’s right,  S . I. X. T . Y  totes n the garage for the mother of all garage sales.  And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had him dig through those boxes because I need something I thought I didn’t want.  We are seeing the finish line, however.  The house is done, the garage will be soon, well it will when we got rid of all those totes.  And the picture above?  This is just some of the things I had in the sunroom at the condo.  But look at this, it’s all the treasured cards that Holly has made me, which I will keep forever and then pass down to my granddaughters, it’s colored note cards, and pencils in every color of the rainbow, fun scrapbooking scissors to cut paper into cool shapes, things that little grandchildren hands will love to mess with, and so it goes.  

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See all the drawers in this old piece of office furniture?  And what’s in these drawers?  Not much, so i can transfer all the things that I have in the picture above, to these drawers.  Everything in it’s place and a place for everything.

See, the queen of justification...

Several of you keep asking for pictures, and when I take them, there is so much light in this house that I get a lot of blowout. You can tell in the picture above, that rug is not the color that you are seeing, and there aren’t stains on it as it appears in the picture.  Things like this just drive me nuttier than I already am.  So, I need to take pictures really early morning, which would entail me getting up really early, or late in the afternoon, and I always forget.  But I will, soon I will.  Pinkie swear I will… ~ Jan

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