I went to YouTube, found a couple of clips, "The Lennon Sisters Reminisce - hope you enjoy them. Nothing like a trip down memory lane on a Saturday night.
And a one-and-a two-ah...
I was feeding the M&M’s tonight… Remembering pets of my childhood, and how we fed our cats Puss ‘n Boots. It was a large 15 oz. can, and Mother paid ten cents for it at Marlin’s Department Store or Oscar’s Food Shoppe.
Maggie is on Prescription Dog Food, Hill’s LD, only available thru my vet, and it costs $28.00 a case. Maggie eats dry vegetarian food mixed with yogurt, it costs $15.00 for a little bag…
Is something wrong here? I know it was fifty years ago that we paid so little for pet food, but Geezy Pete, this stuff is expensive!
Hopefully, Mags will be off the Prescription Diet in a few weeks, and I will no doubt, feed her something like Dick Van Patten’s Natural Balance, or California Naturals no grain food… Mollie will eat it, also.
A bag of it will be a little under $15.00, that’s not a very big bag either… It’s either that or Ole’ Roy, which hubby keeps threatening them with… Somehow I don’t think that will happen, but ya know, our kitties thrived on Puss ‘n Boots, but OMG, did it ever smell!!!!
Have we come along way baby??? Sometimes I wonder…
Isn’t this a great old ad? I didn’t want to shrink down the size. I thought you would all enjoy reading it…
Meet Clara Meadmore, she’s a 105 year old virgin from Cornwall who says that celibacy is the key to a long life.
And this is the lovely Clara in her mid 30’s, quite a foxy lady, wasn’t she?
And that’s her secret for longetivity, huh? Well, girlfriends, looks like we are all doomed to an early grave!!!!
More power to Ms. Clara, though, who will receive a card from the Queen and have a ‘drop’ of wine when she turns 105 on Saturday… Here’s lookin’ at you, kid…
We’re now almost three months post-op with Mags, we’ll be testing her late October to see if her liver shunt surgery was successful. Both LC and I will be really surprised if it isn’t – Maggie continues to be an active, mischievous little imp, so unlike the dog we had a few months ago, who was totally lethargic and listless.
I awoke this morning to her lying on my chest, licking me on the nose. Naturally, I was besieged with a fit of the giggles, which. I might add, is a wonderful thing for a lady of a certain age.
The more I giggled, the more she showered me with kisses, and then she turned to Mollie and woke her up by licking her in the face.
She is racing thru the house right now, fetching a fuzzy donut, jumping in the air, pouncing on it, and trying to entice Mollie to play with her.
So charming, my little dogs. And such simple pleasures they bring to my life…
She was a guest this morning on Bonnie Hunt. What a treat to watch two wholesome, beautiful women, compared to what we’re usually subjected to.
Jackie was talking about girlfriends, at one point actually tearing up over Farrah Fawcett. And I thought, what a lesson for all of us. This woman, who is grounded and graceful, and who has managed to live a dignified life, despite all the problems along the way, has stayed friends all these years with Farrah, who has always had such a shaky foundation, who has battled very public problems with men and drugs, often in a graceless and undignified manner. Two women who couldn’t be more opposite, yet they have this lasting friendship despite their differences.
We can all learn from this. To embrace our friends and accept their differences, as we hope they do in turn… Wouldn’t it be a boring world if we only had friends that were mirror images of ourselves. We can learn so much from women, girl power is the greatest power on earth….
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I thought the debate last night was a snooze.
Compared to Palin and Biden, where the air was sizzling with energy, this round was a huge yawn…
Oh, won’t you all be glad when this is over? I’m so sick of hearing all the bickering and finger pointing. It won’t be long now, though – thank goodness!!!!
This is what hubby missed out on at the Fall Festival today.
Does it look familiar? Well, it should, you eat part of this for breakfast. It’s, are you ready for this… chocolate covered bacon. Yep, bacon…
I think it sounds horrid, his arteries don’t need it, maybe it was a good thing it rained….
Multi-tasking. It’s quite the buzzword, everybody talks about how they multi-task, well everybody, but moi…
I’ve always said that I’m not coordinated, my right brain isn’t integrated with my left brain, so I never professed to be a multi-tasker.
I was watching some news show on FOX the other day, and this guy came on and he said there was no such thing as multi-tasking. Can’t be done. When you “think” you are multi-tasking, SURPRISE, you’re not! You may be working on something, but you must quit in order to do something else, so you are doing one thing at a time.
Think about it, the next time you think you are accomplishing a lot at once.
Now that I’ve totally ruined your day, let me tell you that hubby was off today, we headed down to the Fall Festival, with our munchie map in hand, everything that we wanted to eat highlighted, got a mile from home, and the skies opened up and it absolutely poured! We haven’t had significant rainfall since July, until lunchtime today.
So much for greasy, bad food, instead we went to Yen Ching for some non-greasy good food. Worked for us….
The first week in October is always fall festival time in Heavensville. I’m such a sucker for street fairs, I love the food, love to people watch, love the food, enjoy the new fall clothes, did I mention that I love the food….
It’s billed as one of the largest street fairs in the USA, with 125+ food booths, chocked full of grease laden, deep fried morsels of inferior food, sold to masses of fat people….
Just had to throw that in, it’s the devil perching on my shoulder…. So, what are my MUST HAVES this week? Well, I’m a corn dog fanatic, this year they are touting baked pronto pups, not really healthy, of course, but at least not deep fried. I love the baked sweet potatoes, the black beans, and want to try the chile cornbread. That’s about it, well, except for the peanut butter fudge. And no, I’m not going to consume all of this in ONE trip, maybe I won’t eat all of the above, and then again, maybe I will.
There is no hope….
So much for one of my weekly staples. Grrrrr….
The small cocktail (baby) carrots you buy in small plastic bags are made using the larger crooked or deformed carrots which are put through a machine which cuts and shapes them into cocktail carrots. Most people probably know this already. What you may not know and should know is the following:
Once the carrots are c ut and shaped into cocktail carrots they are dipped in a solution of water and chlorine in order to preserve them (this is the same chlorine used your pool). Since they do not have their skin or natural protective covering, they give them a higher dose of chlorine.
You will notice that once you keep these carrots in your refrigerator for a few days, a white covering will form on the carrots, this is the Chlorine which resurfaces. At what cost do we put our health at risk to have esthetically pleasing vegetables which are practically plastic?
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