Friday, March 30, 2012

Around the neighborhood this morning…





To garden or not to garden….

It’s only the 30th of March, the garden centers are stocked with annuals, and I’m like a racehorse at the gate!  Do I plant, or do I wait?

I keep holding off, checking the forecast, it’s all good, I’m tempted to just go ahead and dig in the dirt, but I’m trying to hold off.  In the meantime I have something more to occupy my time, more about that later, possibly today ;o)

Or I could go on a picnic, this is one of my favorite spots. So many possibilities, but right now I’m going out to sing in the sunshine…


Thursday, March 29, 2012

An evening drive…



Hubby had a meeting here tonight, so I took the girls and went to the duck pond.  The sun was setting on this second picture, what a gorgeous creature this is!!!!!!!

Once a country girl, ALWAYS a country girl…


I see beauty everywhere, even in this old barbed wire fence.  As I’m getting older, I’m finding that life really does come full circle.  I’ve always enjoyed the country, but now it’s more of a need.  I “need” to be with nature and experience it’s  daily rituals, life not dependent on what man has created, but what nature intended.

I can’t imagine a life lived indoors, with no “need” to experience the rhythms of the season.  I was born into a country life with nature as my playmate, and now, I find that once again it is thus, and I appreciate it more now than ever before. 

Country life, it’s a beautiful thing….

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I’m not a photographer, but…


How can you not take good pictures when Mother Nature is giving us such a gorgeous palette to work with this spring.

I uploaded an album to Picasa, and thought some of you might enjoy the intensely amazing colors.  When I was working with the photos, I thought, “oh my, these pictures are so green they don’t look real.”   It’s just stunningly beautiful outdoors, so pretty that it’s hard for me to stay inside.

So take a peek at my album, sit back with a cup of tea and enjoy the beauty of nature.

~ jan

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Deanna’s Kitchen Table



Didn’t my daughter-in-law do a great job with her spring table?  I love her Humpty Dumpty Cookie Jar, and her cake stands and those little mugs are so cute!  She posted this picture on her FaceBook page and I snagged it for all of you to see.

I do love a good tablescape, and this one is just spectacular!  Good job, sweet girl!!!!

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