Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ohhhhhh, wait til’ you see what I’ve got….

I went to dinner tonight with Veronica and her daughter, Angie.  Angie makes jewelry and sells it.  Not boring, ordinary jewelry, but really unique one-of-a-kind jewelry using semi-precious stones.

We were talking a few weeks ago, and I told her that I would love scrungie jewelry for the M&M’s topknot.

She made turquoise daisies for them, not just one daisy, but a cluster of them that dangle on their little foreheads.  Wait til you see how adorable they look!

Pictures coming tomorrow…  talk about a daily dose of cuteness, just wait til’ you all see what she made!!!

Tomorrow, tomorrow, it’s only a day away…

Friday, August 15, 2008

Your daily dose of cuteness…


Well, if this isn’t the damndest thing you’ve ever seen. Gotta watch this one, ladies….

Thanks for sending me this, Jean...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Finally, a movie that looks like something we would enjoy….


Nights in Rodanthe, starring Richard Gere and Diane Lane – Not opening until October 3rd, but the trailers looked great.

I’m picking up the book by Nicholas Sparks at the library tomorrow. 

If you want to see the trailer, CLICK HERE. And, a little trivia for you, I just read that the beach house where it was filmed two summers ago, is unusable now, due to soil erosion.  Hmmmmmm, wonder what took so long for it to get released.  I hope it’s as good as I think it’s going to be, and not a stinker!.  Here’s some info about the movie for you -

Who's in it? James Franco , Richard Gere , Viola Davis , Diane Lane

What's it about? In the romantic drama "Nights in Rodanthe," based on the Nicholas Sparks best-selling novel, Diane Lane stars as Adrienne Willis, a woman with her life in chaos, who retreats to the tiny coastal town of Rodanthe, in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, to tend to a friend's inn for the weekend. Here she hopes to find the tranquility she so desperately needs to rethink the conflicts surrounding her-a wayward husband who has asked to come home, and a teenaged daughter who resents her every decision. Almost as soon as Adrienne gets to Rodanthe, a major storm is forecast and Dr. Paul Flanner (Richard Gere) arrives. The only guest at the inn, Flanner is not on a weekend escape but rather is there to face his own crisis of conscience. Now, with the storm closing in, the two turn to each other for comfort and, in one magical weekend, set in motion a life-changing romance that will resonate throughout the rest of their lives.

It’s hubby’s birthday…

Today’s the day, he’s counting down to retirement, just two more years to go…

Ry and Linds are here, meat loaf and all that goes with it is in the oven, a warm apple pie is sitting on the stove, it’s a late dinner for us tonight, but all is well in my world…

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Summer’s bounty…


We visited Boyd Orchards in Versailles yesterday and they had just picked the first of their Early Golden Delicious apples. 

I wish you all could have been here to enjoy them with me this afternoon.  I cut thin slices of apples and ate them with a wedge of cheese on a bagel crisp. It was a wonderful snack this afternoon.It’s those simple things again, ladies…



They had a great assortment of fresh fruits and veggies.  I thought you would enjoy some of the pictures I took. There is nothing like local, home grown produce in the summertime..

  berries redap grapes peachestomatoespears2


Okay, I admit it, I really enjoy Martha’s blog….

Martha Stewart has a blog.  It’s homey, it’s personal, I think it’s really great!  She lost her much loved dog, PawPaw last month, and now she’s trying to choose a new pup.

If you want to see some cuties, check them out HERE

Okay, go ahead, roll your eyes….

I know you are all TIRED of hearing about my dogs, TIRED of seeing pictures of my dogs, oh well, it’s not gonna change, you all know I’m obsessed.  Just smile, and ignore me….

I have to tell you all about Mollie’s name.  First of all, I want my dogs to have proper names.  We have our birth names, and many of us have nicknames, so dogs should have them, too.  You all know that Maggie Moo’s proper name is really Margaret MooLatte, but poor little Mollie had none, well until last weekend she didn’t.

When we brought Mollie home her name was Tok’n.  But I wanted to carry on with the M&M’s, Maggie and Munchie were so cute together, that when I brought this new fur kid home, I wanted a new generation of M&M’s.  So it was bye-bye Tok’n, hello Mollie.

And, if you are unfortunate enough to know me personally, you know how I AGONIZE over names.  I drove you all crazy with a badzillion different dog names before settling on one.  Actually, it was Hooterville that named Mollie, because she liked the idea of saying “Good Gollie Miss Mollie.”  So Mollie it was, Maggie & Mollie, my new M”&M’s.  Then on to the middle name, since I had Maggie Moo, I named Mollie, Mollie Mae, but I didn’t really like that, so I decided to change that to Mollie Mo, naming her after my favorite online scrapbook person, MoJackson.  So she became Mollie Mo, but she didn’t have a “proper” name yet.

Last weekend, I was telling Lindsay that I really liked the way Mollie Maybelline sounded, and faster than a New Yawk minute, Dilly spat out the perfect name for her….  It’s funny, it’s quirky, it’s cute, are you ready for this………………

Drum roll please……………….

INTRODUCING………   MISS MOLASSES MAYBELLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perfect, huh?  Yeah, it’s Mollie for short, but you have to admit, Molasses Maybellline is a Heavensville original….

And now for the REAL original, here ya go,ladies….. CHUCK BERRY!!!!!!!

Warning: This silly little song may get stuck in your head all day…

Coming home from Lexington, of course I caved and put them both on my lap… I’m such a sucker…


Okay, I’ll see how this works…

If you’re around my age, you know the symptoms, tired, no energy, The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.just pooped most of the time to put it mildly.

I had a great time at Ryan and Lindsays, but I was just exhausted!  I was talking to Ryan about being so fatigued, and he suggested that I take a Super B vitamin Complex.  He said Vitamin B12 would help increase my red blood cells, and give me more energy.  He also said the Super B-Complex was similar to the B12 shots physicians sometimes give.  Well, that’s all it took for me, I hotfooted it right down to CVS last night, picked up their store brand, buy one get one free this week – 300 caplets for $14.99 – and I’m going to give it a whirl.  I was researching it a bit online this morning, and another study said that older women benefit from a daily dose of Biotin.  SURPRISE, this has Biotin, also folic acid.  Has to be a good thing, has to, right????  We’ll see, but right now I could take a nap and it’s only 11am. Embarrassed

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lots to see in Versailles…

This old abandoned distillery was awesome.  We drove the countryside this morning, I got lots of great pictures, just too tired to post them.  We’re back in Heavensville tonight, I’m off to a bubble bath and bed… Tomorrow, ladies, tomorrow…distillery feed oldcrow


Monday, August 11, 2008

From the cow pasture....

It's 59 degrees this morning, blue skies, no humidity, it's just a perfect morning in the country! We're visiting Ryan and Lindsay in Versailles, and I'm writing from the back deck. I have a mug of Sumatra coffee, the M&M's are sitting by my side, both well on their way to recovery, and I'm just..... basking...

It's idyllic, I can hear the cows mooing in the distance, the neighbor's fat tabby cat is stetched out, sunning itself in the back yard, birds are singing, the crow is cawing, As Time Goes By is playing softly from somewhere in the house... Ahhhh, it's just perfect, girlfriends.

Flashback to childhood, staying overnight with Aunt Idalene in the country. Up at dawn, a dash to the outhouse, then off to the barn to watch them milk the cows, slop the pigs, for real they did slop those pigs with leftover milk and food they didn't eat, then on to the chicken house to gather eggs.... Breakfast was usually fried pork shoulder and country cured ham, freshly gathered eggs, cow's milk, fresh out of the separator, homemade jam, and baking powder buttermilk biscuits. Some of you are probably thinking, a separator??? A separator is an electric machine that you put the cow's milk in and it spins the milk and separates the cream from the milk. Fresh cow's milk is really foamy, and the taste.... It's GODAWFUL, ladies. HORRID. OMG, I detest fresh cow's milk, you would, too, I imagine. It tastes nothing like a carton of milk from the grocery store, it has a really strong, raw taste before it's pasturized. Fresh churned butter, however, is amazing...

The difference between then and now, that was work, HARD WORK, this is just FUN!!! Works for me...

We'll be on our way back to Heavensville soon, but this was a great little getaway. Hands down best morning of the summer for me, well except for that early Starbuck's run to downtown Franklin in John's convertible, that was pretty great, too...

I'll be in touch...

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