Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I’m such a happy mom tonight.


John and Deanna were married at sunset, on a beach in Kauai, last night.  She was such a beautiful bride and our John was a handsome groom.  I am so happy for this marriage, she is so good for him and to him, he chose well, my son.

They had a wonderful wedding, stress free, relaxed, and now they vacation for another week before flying home.  Their marriage has the foundation that you want for your children, friendship, happiness, contentment, and love.

So here I sit, joyful,  teary eyed, absolutely thrilled with this union.  I so look forward to the years to come and having this amazing woman in our family.  We are so blessed…

Sunday, September 25, 2011

It’s nice to have your child home again, regardless of how old they are…

Lindsay and Abby are in Seattle visiting her family, so Ryan has been working from here for the past few days.  Oh, the joy of it, to have him here, doing the things we always used to do, cooking, laughing, going for drives in the country, just the silly stuff.

Of course it isn’t the same as when Linds and Abby are here, I miss morning coffee with Dilly and that sweet little toddler playing in the living room, but it’s so nice to have a few days with him, just living in the moment.

He talks to Abby on the phone, she says “Dada?” and he says, “Yes, Abby.”  She then proceeds to talk to him in only a language they understand.  We were out yesterday and she was texting him, yes texting, for real she was.  She’s figured out how to press keys and hit send, she sent him four messages.  So far she hasn’t texted Grammie, but I have a feeling it just might be in my future.  Oh, how will I ever delete them?

And that’s my life this rainy day.  Ry’s birthday was last week, we’re having Sunday fried chicken today, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, you know how it is, certain foods he just has to have. We made a trip to the orchard yesterday, so it’s apple pie ala mode for dessert.

Then he goes home, his family flies back this week and life goes back to normal.  But it’s been so special having him home again for a few days.  Now if I could just beam Lindsay and Abby here for Sunday dinner it would be perfect ;o)

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