Okay, go ahead and laugh at me, but I’m tired of itchy lace, unbreathable, bunching, twisting, crotch riding uncomfortable undies. I’m old(er) now, is it time for Granny Panties?
Maybe it is. I was on, as you all know, one of my very favorite sites, Vermont Country Store, and they have Lollipop Panties, and they come in beige now. There were glowing reviews, women love these, and the price is right, three pairs for $20 and some change. I’m still vain, I couldn’t handle white, but beige is a definite possibility. And you’re all thinking you wouldn’t be caught dead in these things, and neither would I even five years ago. So go ahead, wear your fancy schmancy ones, I will wear mine, too, but just not when I’m hanging out at home in my ancient yoga pants, these would be the perfect pairing.
Here’s what the Vermont Country Store has to say about these...
For over 60 years, Lollipop cotton underwear has been known for comfort and great fit. We think you deserve that same comfort today. 100% cotton underwear has a gentle elastic waist, a ribbed-knit cotton comfort leg, and a double-lined cotton crotch. Machine wash, line dry. Imported.
100% cotton panties with gentle elastic waist
Double-lined cotton crotch Ribbed-knit cotton comfort leg<
Pure cotton underwear and panties at The Vermont Country Store. Your favorite Lollipop cotton panties are made to be just as comfortable now as they were years ago.
These are the undies of my childhood, probably yours, too. Are you laughing out loud yet? And yes, I know they’re ugly, but I bet they’re comfy and I’m all about comfort now that I’m in my mid sixties. Well, I’m just going to order these up and see what they’re like. I might just like them. And after all, everything does come full circle. And it’s time to shake it up a bit on the blog, you all haven’t had an eye rolling experience in months now!
Too much information? Oh puh-leez, you all know I have no filter and will talk about anything.
You can check them out here. Go ahead, do it, I double dawg dare ya’ and nobody is watching, nobody cares. hehehehe