Monday, August 22, 2011

Pioneer Woman is coming to FoodTV

August 27th, mark your calendars ladies!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pinterest, the best thing that’s happened to the internet in YEARS!


Okay, we all know I tend to go off the deep end and become anal about the things I find online, but seriously ladies, Pinterest is quite possibly the best thing I’ve found in years, possibly E-VER!

It’s just exploded online, and if you are clueless as to what I’m talking about, think of it as a bulletin board, and you pin pictures of things you find online on it.  Instead of bookmarking links that you never go to, you just pull up your Pinterest boards, and it’s all there, front row and center, staring at you.  You make as many different boards as you like, pin as many things as you like – actually most of mine is just repins from other people I follow.  It’s quick, it’s easy, it’s TOTALLY addictive.

So now I’ll tell you what to do to get you started -

The first thing you do is create a Pinterest account.  It is going to ask you to login with either Facebook or Twitter.  Okay, I know, you’re thinking I have no desire to be on Facebook or Twitter, so you create a bogus Twitter account.  You just go to and make an account.  You will never use it, it’s just a dummy account to get you set up with Pinterest.  I know, it’s a hassle, but it’s SO worth it.

Now I’m going to show you a Pinterest tutorial so you know how to set your boards up, but FIRST I’m going to show you my boards.  I’ve only been doing this for a week and I already have 141 Pins on 68 different boards.  Some people I follow have 30,000+ pins, and yes I will be one of those people eventually.   I’m obsessed, what can I say.  When you go to my boards and click on a picture, then you keep clicking until you get to the source, be it recipe, kitchens, autumn is in the air, whatever – if you want to go to the source for a recipe or more information you just keep clicking on the pictures until it takes you back to the original post.

Here’s my Pinterest Boards check me out and see what I have so far.  I always give you a heads up on all the good stuff, and this is the crème de la crème…..

Here’s a tutorial, watch this, sign up, don’t forget to follow me, so I can see what you’re finding, and you’re on your way.  As long as you’re logged in and go to, it will show you updates from people you are following.  This changes quickly, I check it a few times a day…

Enjoy, you’re going to thank me for this one.  Pinkie swear you will.  Winking smile ~ Jan

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