Thursday, July 18, 2013

Good Morning World…


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Maxine, telling it like it is!


Green and White Glassware for the Kitchen



Had to post this, what's not to love?

Takes you back to the fifties, doesn't it...

Invisibelt Skinny, I'm thinking it's a good thing...


Do your pants sag in the seat?  Are you always tugging on them, yanking on them and pulling them up?  Well, I am, and I'm tired of it.  And heaven forbid I put on a belt and people see it, that is most unattractive at my age, well except for this gorgeous Peruvian hand embroidered belt that my buddy V has been eyeing up.

But back to my story.  I heard aboutt Invisibelts a few years back, bought them for my daughters-in-law for Christmas one year, but they weren't really a fan.  They were wide and rigid.  A few weeks ago I Googled them and of course they now have the new and improved Invisibelt Skinny, which is much  narrower and pliable.  So I bought it, yep, coughed up $22 for it on Amazon, and I bought the Plus size.

Oh, let's not even go there, but I didn't want it to be tight, I wanted plenty of room, cause it's adjustable, and yes, I could have probably squeezed my groaning body into the regular size, but I don't want to be miserable, I don't want any more muffin top than I already have, so I got the Plus size.  We're too hung up on size.  All of us are, we talk about that silly number like it's important.  We look a lot better when we buy things that fit instead of being a slave to a number, which is always too small in the first place!

Okay, off the soapbox, UPS delivered my new belt in two days thanks to my wonderful Amazon Prime, I took it out of the packaging, and it was a cheap thrill because I had to keep adjusting it smaller.  Isn't that a kick in the pants, it was worth $22 just to do that.  Whoo-hoo,  I know cr-azy...

And see what I mean, I just had to throw that in there that I adjusted it smaller.  Do you think if I would have had to adjust it larger that I would be talking about it on here? Of course not!   Well, maybe I would, since I don't have a filter.

But anyhow, Mikey here thinks she really likes this.  I haven't put it on and taken my capris for a spin yet, but let's hope no more saggy butt.  We shall see...

Interested, of course you are.  Here's the link. Take my advise, if you're in doubt about that size, order the Plus.  Nobody will know, nobody will care and your body will thank you.  *wicked grin*

You can go to Invisibelt's website, get the dimensions and measure your hips.  I don't really recommend you do that, it will undoubtedly make you cry and  put you in a mood for the rest of the day.  Trust me on this one, just order the Plus size!!!!

Uppiesbeads59 Bronze Smokey Tutorial


Tammy has uploaded yet another great video.  I was looking forward to this one, as she had used Laura Mercier Bronze Blush in Ritual in an earlier video and was going to showcase yet more MAC eyeshadows that I don't have, but definitely need, in this one.  After I watched her  with that lovely blush on her pretty face, I hotfooted it down to Sephora, plunked down $36 and bought the blush.  Money well spent.  It's the best bronzer blush, ever.  It has a hint of shimmer, not enough to be noticeable, but enough to give your face a healthy glow, and the color - perfect!  So, if you're looking for a healthy glow on your face this summer, this is awesome.  They're selling it for $68 on Amazon, because it's a limited edition, so $36 at Sephora is a great price.

Tammy's the best, so many of you have emailed to tell me how much you're learning from her.  Support her, ladies, subscribe to her anti-aging channel here...



My friends and family are fans of Tammy as well.  My daughter-in-law, Deanna, duplicated her messy side bun that I posted on the blog last week for an date night with hubby.  She's kneeling in her fleurs, love that lambs-ear...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ball jars and candles, what a wonderful idea...

I first saw this picture below of the citronella filled Ball Jars, easily made into candles just using a wick on Facebook.  There was no link, just the picture below.  Then I started researching and found the original site.  I snagged a few of the pictures, and I'm giving you the direct link so you can go to the site and see what wonderful things she has done with jars and candles.  This is a goodie, trust me, it is...

Visit the site here...








Rooster Painted Barn





Maybe it's Facebook that's making me so nostalgic.  I find the most wonderful pictures….

Why am I so nostalgic about all things country this summer?


I really don't understand what's going on with me, I'm totally enthralled with everything and anything that has to do with country this summer.  I see a porch swing and I want one, even though I don't have a porch!   I'm having a love affair with Ball Fruit Jars, of all things. even the sight of a cow in a pasture makes me smile.

Hubby takes me for drives in the country, I'm mesmerized by the cornfields, and the bales of hay in the fields leave me breathless.  Crocks and jugs, things I've had for years have taken on new meaning.   I look longingly at the striped iced tea glasses from the 50's, and I certainly don't need more glasses.  What is this all about?????

I went through the country decorating phase in the 80's, and I had a boatload of it, but then I burnt out and got rid of most of it.  Do I want any of  it back, no not really, so why am I so captivated?

Maybe it's a reminder of my younger days, when my sweet little boys were at home, or maybe I'm going all the way back to my childhood, or maybe I'm just a sentimental old fool.  Who knows, but no use fighting it.  I'm just going with the flow...

Monday, July 15, 2013

Cedar Cover - Hallmark Premiere July 20th



Mark your calendars for this new series, ladies.  I'm a huge fan of Debbie Macomber, and have read her entire series of Cedar Cove novels.  Now they're bringing it to television, starring Andie MacDowell.  It has to be good, I'm so looking forward to this.

2 hour Premiere - July 20th, 7/c.  It's on my iCal...

Why can't chocolate be no calories no carbs, life is SO unfair...


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