Thursday, October 23, 2014

Yardley Soap, a Blast from the Past...

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I loved Yardley products back in the day.  Way, way back to the sixties, think Jean Shrimpton.  Yardley of London was very pricey then, but not anymore.  It’s still wonderful and now I buy the good smelling English Lavender soap at my local Dollar Tree for a dollar a bar.  Best deal around, it’s awesome for drawers, too.  It’s so soft smelling, brings back memories of days long ago and it’s cheap!

They have other varieties as well.  Oatmeal & Almond and Shea Butter with Buttermilk.  I bought these, too, but nothing compares to Lavender.  Maybe it’s an old(er) lady thing.  Sure works for me, though and it can work for you, too if you have a Dollar Tree in your town.

If not, you can buy them on Amazon Prime for $9.44 for four bars.  Not as good of a deal, but stlll worth it.

Here’s the link, enjoy.  ~ Jan

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I'm in love with this Thanksgiving table...


I don’t host Thanksgiving at my house these days.  I’ve passed the torch to the kids, they have big houses and families and it just makes more sense to visit them for the holidays.

But in my dreams, I would so duplicate this idea for Thanksgiving.  I found it in Country Living this morning, it’s everything I love.  A piece of barn board, hoisted up a bit to give it depth, candles, gourds, grapes, maybe add a pear or two and scatter some nuts in their shells, and some grasses picked in a field instead of the green wheat, oh wouldn’t it be de-lovely...

And speaking of tables, here’s a snapshot of mine right now.  And yes, of course it’s overdone, I always overdo it,  and no, you can’t sit here and eat, we eat at the bar.  It’s overdone, too, it’s just the way I roll...


 Sunflower dishes, gourds, candles, roosters and my fat market pig on a lazy suzan so loaded down it won’t turn.  


And on my bar, vintage Dept. 56 egg plates, smiley face mugs, a Scentsy jack-o-lantern pot and more roosters and a turkey.  Makes me happy just looking at it….

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Streisand Partners interview with Katie Couric




This interview was a good one and there were glimpses of what she’s really like.  She wasn’t particularly warm to the idea of making an album in the future with all females.  Also her son, how did she not realize that he couldn’t sing until he was an adult?

I’m not particularly a fan of the lady, way too much attitude,  but oh that voice, nothing will ever compare.  And will I buy the album?  Of course I will, I’m a fan of collaborations anyway and this one looks fantastic.

Here’s the link, it’s worth watching...

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