Thursday, January 30, 2014

I love The Fresh Market...


Oh, I really enjoy shopping in this store, it really is special.  Lindsay and Ryan have been shopping at The Fresh Market for years, and while I always enjoyed the ambiance, I was appalled at the prices.  

Then The Fresh Market came to Heavensville, and still I didn’t shop there until a few months ago.  Sometimes it takes me awhile, I should have just listened to the kids in the first place.  They kept telling me about their weekly specials, so I signed up for the newsletter and finally got onboard.  I’ve found the meat to be so much better than other grocery stores, and I really do stock up when things are on their Tuesday and weekend sales.  We were shopping Tuesday, hubby was at the meat counter, some lady was buying 30 lbs. of ground chuck in 1 lb.  individual packages.  Obviously there must be no limit.  My favorite food of choice is the Applewood Smoked Bacon.  It’s so good and so expensive, $10 a pound, but every couple of months they have a buy one get one free.  So I buy in quantity, not 30 lbs.:o) but I do buy several packages and freeze it.  I’ve found this to be an acquired taste, this really smoky bacon,  Ryan fixed it for me in the past and I didn’t care for it, but now it’s one of my favorite foods.  I’m such a baconaholic, and living the low carb lifestyle allows me to eat it almost daily.  Yep, I eat it almost every day, I love it that much.  I doubt if I ever quit eating low carb, seriously, just because I wouldn’t be able to have my daily bacon infusement.  Carbs + bacon = major weight gain, unfortunately.

But back to The Fresh Market, I find things there I can’t find elsewhere, and this week it finally dawned on me why I like it so much.  When John lived in Dayton he was just a couple of blocks away from Dorothy Lane Market, which is the most fascinating grocery store I’ve ever been in.  It’s an old store, with brick walls and scarred wood floors, and like Fresh Market they have wonderful treasures not found in conventional markets.  That was always one of the highlights of visiting Dayton, going to Dorothy Lane Market.  

Well, The Fresh Market is very similar.  It’s new, but made to look quaint, and the very best part is the soft upbeat classical music they play while you shop, just like they do at Dorothy Lane.


See what I mean, Fresh Market is very similar to this photo of Dorothy Lane, it’s the quintessential foodie market.

And being the investigative junkie that I am, liking nothing better than scouting out things on the internet. I came home this week from shopping at TFM and searched the net until I found The Fresh Market CD.  I’m thinking that this was not something that was available to the general public, but a CD that they sent to stores because I searched thoroughly and only found one copy of this anywhere online.  It has their logo on it, says established in 1982 and has a listing of classical  music.  And yep, it’s winging it’s way to Heavensville as we speak.  I’m absolutely estatic.  I know, I’m a goober, but I’m so thrilled.  Let’s hope it’s a goodie.  The price was a goodie, too, I got it for $8!


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Budweiser Super Bowl Commercial, Puppy Love


Oh my, another one that tugs at the heart strings.  Has to be women who write these commercials, has to be…   

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What is the best way to sneeze?


The answer may surprise you.  I watched this on World News last night, good information now that we are in the height of cold and flu season.  I know I just cringe every time I’m out and somebody in my proximity sneezes.  If you think your best defense is sneezing into your elbow, think again….

Monday, January 27, 2014

Olivia Newton John is looking older...



She’s 65 and looks it, and its kind of refreshing, isn’t it?  We’re so used to seeing celebrities with trout lips and stretched skin, it’s nice to see somebody famous that looks their age.  Makes us realize that we’re not alone on this road we all travel to old(er) age.  I think she looks great...

I'm such a fan of morning routine...


 Every morning I get up, come to the sunroom with my morning coffee, turn on NPR, sit and look outside, watching the birds, the horses in the pasture, enjoying the serenity of country life, while catching up on emails.  I love NPR, I’ve been a fan forever, not buying into all of the left leaning that it supposedly has, I just like the news, the familiar voices, I’m a creature of habit.  I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to leave the house, I just want to be quiet and slowly wake up to the day.

So here I sit, listening to the wind chimes, as it’s a blustery winter day yet again, enjoying the familiar voices on NPR, smiling at Maggie as she does her morning stretches at my feet, it’s just the best, my morning routine...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Miss A has many talents...

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Our precocious little four year old, now that she has taught herself to read, has apparently figured out the remote. Below is Lindsay’s Facebook post from yesterday.  Ryan told me about her doing this as well, sometimes she just amazes us...

I always thought Ry being in control of the remote was a test of patience. I have discovered it to be nothing in comparison to the power hungry ADD that is Miss A with the remote. She took it upon herself yesterday to teach herself how to use it. Telling me what the buttons say, then pushing them so she could understand their functions. By midday, she was recording her shows and canceling Ry's shows that were in her way. Then going through the DVR and scrolling till she found what she was looking for.

It would have been cute and impressive had she not pointed out to me, several times, that she had to learn how to do it because I don't pay attention like I should and she doesn't want to watch non-Abby shows. 

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