Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ironing, it’s a lost art….

Back in the day I ironed every week, standing over the ironing board, ironing big baskets of clothes. Hubby’s dress shirts, the kids clothes, pillowcaes, creasing our jeans, the steam just rolling and spitting from the iron.  It was a pain in the patootie, too.

Those days are long gone, creases in jeans are totally wrong and have been since the 80’s, the kids are grown, hubby’s shirts get a quick going over the morning he wears them.  I iron on demand.  It’s been years since our clothes have all been pressed and hanging in the closet.  My linen shirts hang unworn a lot of times because I just don’t want to dewrinkle them…

Maybe I should do it once more, just for old times sake, catch up on my ironing.  Huh, what am I thinking? That’s hard work ironing, nope, I’ll just keep on ironing them when we need them.  It’s working for me so far…

Friday, May 29, 2009

You’re about to read the most exciting wonderful thing, that I’ve blogged about, EVER!!!! many years have I been complaining that  I have no grandchildren???  FOREVER!!!!  I’ve repeatedly told my family that my clock is ticking, and they just smile and ignore me.

But dreams really do come true, and I’m finally going to be a Grandmother.  Ryan and Lindsay are expecting, and the baby is due October 13th.

And not only are they expecting, but they’re having a GIRL!!!!  Oh, I’m so thrilled, can’t you just see me knee deep in ribbons and bows, polka dots and frills…  It’s going to be so much fun!!!!  Hubby and I were in Versailles this week and went with them for the ultrasound.  We saw little hands and feet, and a little turned up button nose.  It was a magical moment, one that is now frozen in time and to be remembered forever.  Lindsay looks adorable pregnant, and Ryan is besides himself with excitement.  This little baby is going to have wonderful parents.

Life is  so good in Heavensville this week.  I’m a lucky, lucky lady… 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Demi Moore’s missing tooth….

She was in the dentists’ office having her tooth replaced and they took this picture, then she posted it on her Twitter page.

Just had to share this in case you all haven’t seen it.  It’s just something you don’t expect from a celebrity…

Moore writes: "I lost it and had to have it fixed! I personally thought this look went out after you were eight, didn't know I would be rocking it again!"

"Happy to share and always appreciate the opportunity to find humility!!! Or at least be able to laugh at myself!"

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hi from Versailles…

We’re at Ryan and Lindsay’s for a few days.  No computer time, but I’ll be back soon, have so much to share with all of you.

~ jan

Monday, May 25, 2009

Remembering what today is all about…


Sunday, May 24, 2009

I have a new toy, a Bella Cucina Rocket Blender…

I made myself a protein shake in the blender this morning, and it was a gawdawful mess.  I was trying to scrape the sides down to get the chocolate mixture out, then I had to take the whole thing apart to wash it, and because I had used ice in the shake, I couldn’t use my immersion blender, I had to use the big blender and I was in a snit.

I knew that Nisha had a Magic Bullet, the blender in the infomercials that uses a cup to mix your liquids in, and then you can drink it right from the cup, so I called her.

She told me that Macy’s had a knock-off on sale for $19.99, a much better price than the $50+ for the Magic Bullet and since hubby was working, I trekked off to Macy’s to buy one.

I bought it, came home, washed it, and faster than a New Yawk minute I had dumped in vanilla yogurt, a bit of splenda, fresh strawberries and frozen raspberries/blueberries/blackberries, and it blended it to perfection.

Wow, I’m hooked.  You all know how I love a good kitchen gadget, and this little blender works great.  I Googled it and read really good reviews before I bought it, and it’s perfect.  Clean-up is so easy, it’s so much better than that big old blender.  And yes, I have a smoothie machine in the garage, sitting on a shelf, but it’s a pain in the patootie, too, because it’s hard to wash.  I’m old now, I like simple things….

So now I can bore you all with my smoothie recipes. 

Here’s the specs on the blender for you -  and here’s the link if you want to see what it’s all about

  • Perfect for smoothie lovers on the run, the blending jar doubles as a cup so you can do a quick mix, take your drink and go
  • Includes 5 cups(4 tall and 1 short), along with various lids
  • Stainless steel housing features a brushed finish


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