Saturday, May 26, 2007

Let's continue this trek down memory lane...

It's natural to progress from soap to shampoo and hair products. I was never a Breck girl as a teenager, it didn't have enough suds for my liking. I was a Prell girl. I loved the lather, loved the smell. I always used Prell. And after shampooing, it was time to put in the hair rollers. But oh, no, I didn't use rollers, I used orange juice cans, and are you ready for this... Tampax tubes.

Yep, that's what I did. First of all I had to use some kind of setting agent to stiffen my hair so that I could tease it into heights that would give you a nosebleed. Sometimes I used a product called Dippidy Doo, but I also was a huge fan of.... JELLO!!! Oh yeah, Jello was quite the hair setting product in the 60's. You chose the color closest to your hair color, lemon for blondes, strawberry for redheads, black cherry for brunettes, and you mixed a tablespoon or so of the Jello in water. then sectioned a piece of wet hair, combed in the Jello and sat it on orange juice cans And the Tampax tubes, I put those vertically in front of my ears to make those little corkscrew curls. Talk about a look! And I actually went out in public with a scarf over my head and those orange juice cans in my hair. Well, not the Tampax tubes though, I wasn't THAT stupid...

And heaven forbid if it was a hot day and my head perspired, or I got caught in the rain, because my hair would get sticky! But I did have volume, egads did I ever have volume. I had the highest double bubble you ever saw. A double bubble was when you teased your hair really big and then the back of it had two layers - you combed that bouffant into a big bubble, attached a bow underneath it, had to have the "bow" and then you had another layer that turned under like a page boy. I probably have pictures of that look somewhere.

And twenty years from now, I will probably look back at my hair today, and wonder what I was thinking with all the choppy layers and the hair wax.

But then, twenty years from now, my hair will be blue, no lavendar, and permed! All 15-20 strands of it. *giggle*

Friday, May 25, 2007

Lordy, Lordy do I smell good....

I've had a thing about bars of soap for-ever. When I was a little girl Mother always used Dove. So did my Grandma Short, and at the time I didn't like the smell at all, but now I love it. Brings back great memories. Last year Tonia brought me like fifteen bars of it, and oh how I enjoyed unwrappping those bars and inhaling the scent. I used it in the shower and smiled at the thought that she gave it to me, and just remembered the smells of my childhood.

My Aunt Mae always used Dial, and I still remember visiting her house and washing my hands at the kitchen sink with that gold bar of Dial. I can just see the bar, attached to one of those little round rubber gripper thingies, with the foam running over the edge and down the sink.

When my teenage years rolled around Safeguard came on the market and I was in love. Oh, how I loved the smell of a fresh bar of Safeguard Soap. It's still around, but somehow either the smell isn't as strong as I remembered or my nose just doesn't pick up the scent like it used to.

LC and I got married, and it was Irish Spring time. We used that for years, along with the occasional bar of Zest. Again, it's that strong, sporty clean scent that just rings my chimes. Oh, and I can't leave out soap-on-a-rope. We always had that in the house, but did anybody ever actually use the stuff? I always just used it to decorate the bathroom with. Don't know why I had the urge to decorate my shower, but I was young and dumb...

And of course I bathed my babies in Baby Magic. STILL love that smell, it's just the best EVER.... And Johnson's Baby Powder, and lotion. Oh, the memories those smells bring...

Then entered body wash and I kind of got away from bar soap. I've used so many brands of body wash that I don't really have a favorite. It's good stuff, body wash, it's easy to use, fast, quick, but somehow it's just not the same.

This week I was at the grocery store and on an impulse I picked up a couple of bars of Coast Artic Surf Bath Soap. OMG, I'm in love with bar soap all over again. It's really strong and really fresh and soapy smelling, just totally delightful. They also make it in a body wash, but for now I'm sticking with the bars, just feels right in my hand. Know what I mean, Vern???

So here I sit, freshly showered with my Coast Artic Surf Soap, and I must tell you, I smell mah-velous, dahling....... just mah-velous......

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Okay,so this isn't exactly what I had in mind, but...

it'll do in a pinch, I'm not picky, I'll take it...

Okay, I've just gotta jump in on this one...

First of all, all of you who read this blog know that I'm the most non-political person ever. It's just not my thing. I personally believe that the majority of politicans are biased, corrupt and not in office for the good of the common man but to further their own lifestyle and beliefs. Just my opinion....

And I didn't see the big fight between Rosie and Elizabeth on The View yesterday, I just saw snippets of it on the net. I was starting to form an opinion before I saw the argument in it's entirety, and of course you all know that I am NOT an Elizabeth Hasselback fan, and you all know that I AM a Rosie fan, at least I WAS until she went on that obscenity ridden rant in front of those teenagers at that prestigious luncheon a few weeks back. I thought that was totally over the top and wrong and I got off her bandwagon. And I'm not climbing back on, she's just too far out there for me. I do, however, believe she is smart, honest and extremely talented, but she's a little bit too raw for even my taste.

But today I watched that argument in it's entirety and I am now firmly convinced that stupid, ignorant little Elizabeth be-otch is not only out of control, but is so out of touch with reality that she has no idea of what really goes on in the world. You know when you are in an argument with somebody and they become very defensive and won't let anyone speak, they are usually the one that's in the wrong. That's just an observation of a 50's something woman who has been in her share of arguments over the years. And boy would she not let anybody else talk!

And one other thing that really rankles me is why, out of all the people in this wonderful USA, was she chosen to be at Queen Elizabeth's dinner at the White House and sit at a head table with Prince Phillip? What has she ever done to deserve such an honor? It just looks like she is bought and paid for, but there I go being political when I'm not, but it does bother me when there are so many, many deserving people that are so giving of themselves and would have so deserved to be a part of that honor instead of this woman child who has done nothing, in my opinion, to make this world a better place.

If you watch this rant in it's entirety, you can see Rosie trying to stay out of it, and when she does finally speak, she does it in a moderated tone, as much as she can, while Elizabeth is screaming like a banshee. Rosie is a woman that is clearly filled with pain. She is genuinely painfully hurt by this little twit, and Elizabeth could care less. This isn't about politics and who's right and who's wrong, it's about a supposed friendship and someone asking a direct question and the supposed friend totally skirting the issue. I certainly wouldn't want that stupid little vaporhead for a friend. Anybody would be better than her... It will be interesting to watch and see how her perfect little world plays out in the next decade...

Maybe you don't agree with me. Just watch the clip and form your own opinions. You can watch by clicking HERE.

Okay, I'm finished with anything to do with political leanings. I'm back to my silly nonsense from now on, but sometimes, not often, but occasionally I do get my back up. And boy did this woman get my back up!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


When you were a kid, zipping around the neighborhood on your bike. Ang visited today with her Sam, who is a very grown up fourteen now, and just happens to be the CUTEST, SWEETEST, MOST UNASSUMING, ADORABLE teenager I've ever seen, for real she is! I asked if she ever rode her bike and she shot me this look as if to say, "You've got to be kidding!" "Ahhhh," I said, "it's nerdy, huh?"

Its the times, life changes, kids are too sophisticated today. Hubby and I were tooling around in Milly yesterday, laughing at how golf carts remind us of bicycles without the peddling. Going downhill, the wind blowing in your face, you just can't beat it. That's one of the joys about getting old. I'm sure we look "nerdy," riding around on that golf cart with the M&M's, but who cares... It's a wonderful thing, to not really care what people think. One of the "few" perks we get as we age...

I just bet if Sam got on her bike and rode it down "The Hill", this huge old hill in Enfield that is really, really steep and just goes on for-ever, that she would have a big smile on her face. She would go really fast, the wind would be in her face, and she would experience pure joy and a giddy sense of freedom and excitement. It would be a good thing....

And how do I know this? It's because I, too, grew up in Enfield, and I bicycled down that old hill a gadzillion times when I was fourteen, and it WAS a good thing, actually it was friggin' AWESOME!!!

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