Saturday, June 5, 2010

There is nothing like a good chick flick…

amanda-seyfried Every movie can’t be academy award material.  Sometimes the critics are really harsh, especially when it comes to comedies/girl movies, and more so if the reviewer is a man.  But last night I saw Letters to Juliet, and it was a total delight.  A bit slow in the beginning, but it found it’s groove and it was so much fun.  A lot of it was filmed in Tuscany, the scenery was breathtaking, it was like going on a mini-vacation.  It reminded me of a good Harlequin Romance, just a movie instead of a read.

So if you’re bored this summer, and it’s still on, give it a watch.  Vanessa Redgrave is just lovely, there is an “older” man that is totally “hot” and Amanda Seyfried is one of my favorite young actresses. She’s so fresh faced, so wholesome looking, which is nice for a change, and she’s a great little actress, too.

It was a fun escape, give it a try.  ~ jan

Friday, June 4, 2010


How do you feel about wearing sleeveless shirts?


If you’re reading this today and you’re over fifty, I have a little poll for you.  It’s about wearing sleeveless tops this summer.

Do you dare?  Are you brave enough to let those bat wings flap in the breeze.  Or maybe you’re one of the rare ones who doesn’t have them. 

Personally, I just can’t do it.  Oh, I would love to, though, on a hot summer day, but I just can’t bring myself to expose all that Jello.  What about you?  There is a little poll in the right sidebar underneath the BlogHer ad.  Take a minute, tell us what you do.  It’s totally anonymous, of course…

~ Jan

Here comes Peter Cottontail…

Earlier this week, I went with a neighbor to take her dog to the vet.  We went to my vet, Dr. Wagner, who has her practice in a little red barn behind her house on a secluded wooded lot.  It’s all very Norman Rockwell, no computers in your face you when you walk in, no receptionist, just her assistant, in this quaint little barn, and it’s totally charming.

She’s the most accessible woman, she takes time for you, cuddles the dogs, she’s just a really nurturing person.

As we were getting ready to leave, I’m sitting on this bench in her waiting room, she had come out of the examining room with us and was chatting, and out of the corner of my eye I see this white cat.  Wait, it’s not a cat, it’s a rabbit!

This white bunny was hopping around her office.  It was just the cutest thing, ever.  Can’t you just picture going to visit the vet and seeing a rabbit peeking around the corner at you.  Animals are just the best, aren’t they?  They never fail to make me smile.  It’s good to share your life with one, or two.  They give you far more than they take from you, and always make you smile, every single day…

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I snapped a few pictures of my summer garden for you…


Rue McClanahan, dead at 76 – we lost another great one…


We should all strive to do this today, and EVERY day…

"May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly
where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that
you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May
you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge
settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance,
praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us."

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

She’s growing up TOO fast….


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oh Law-dee, do I have summer desserts for you....

I just posted a new featured recipe on Jan CAN Cook for Frozen Hawaiian Pie and several other cool summer desserts.  Click thru and check them out ~ jan

Note:  Also look at the Creamy Lemonade Pie in the archives.  I made this last summer, everybody loved it.  Lindsay made it for her mother last month, it’s a great recipe.

Oh dear….

Hubby and I were out and about this morning. We went to breakfast, ran a lot of errands, he stood in a lot of lines.  He was loading the car with groceries, I was standing behind him, and saw the tag on his shirt.  Oh dear, he had it on wrong side out.  And he went in many stores that way.

This is to be expected of me, I’ve done this kind of thing for years, but him, not so much.  Oh well, he is going to be sixty-five this summer.  He’s still far ahead of me though.  I swear any sense I ever had has left the building. 

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Abby Leigh, just a summer day…


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