Friday, December 13, 2013

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You were a beauty my old friend, oxblood leather, nailhead trim, we were best buddies for years and years.  We were growing older together, you and I.  Cracks started showing in your leather, your arms wore through to the underlayment, but that was okay, I could live with the aging, I’m aging, too, I understood. And then your padding started to go and for awhile that was okay as well.  But this past month you just gave up completely, resulting in excruciating pain to my nether regions, and it was time to say goodbye.  It was a sad morning, watching you being rolled away, bidding farewell to the best chair I ever had. 


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Hello, you ugly ergonomic chair.  You sure don’t have any wow factor, except for your price! You’ve got big shoes to fill, you new kid on the block, will we ever be friends?  Only time will tell, but I’m not one for change, I like things to stay the same.  But you adjust up, down, front, back and sideways.  You have lumbar support, you have a mesh seat that will be cool in the summer, and you better be kind to my nether regions or you will be going right back to the store, and maybe purchased by some big guy who will just hammer you every time he sits on you!  So you better treat me right, got it?

Today is your maiden voyage, I hope we have a smooth sail...

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pioneer Woman's Favorite Kitchen Tools



Ree just posted her favorite kitchen utensils and links to them, but thanks to dear hubby, I already have a couple of her favorites. I mentioned often that I loved her flat whisk and her slotted (fish) turner and last December he actually called Ree’s assistant to find out what they were, and he ordered them both for me, the Stainless Steel Flat Wisk and also the LamsonSharp Pro Slotter Turner and gave them to me for Christmas.   I meant to blog about it, totally forgot, but you can imagine how thrilled I was to think that he took the time, actually made several phone calls, eventually getting to the right person to find out what they were.

So now I’m looking at the rest of the things she loves, and I’m thinking that I really need her offset spatula.  *grin*  And the knife, heart be still, but dang, it’s pricey!

I continue to be such a fan of Pioneer Woman.  She’s just the best!

Here’s the link to the tools, and you can also enter here win them, along with the other 1,478,972 people who are trying to get them.

Oh, I do love what he got me and use them all the time, always with a smile because it was so thoughtful.  They’re just awesome!  ~ Jan

Monday, December 9, 2013




Apparently I’m still on Oprah’s email list, and I got an email this morning that intrigued me.  I’m not a fan, not for years now, but some of the things she writes about really does make you think.  So here are the 11 things, and my answers.  It may bore you, but I will enjoy looking back at it in a few years.  And this picture I posted doesn’t exactly look like a journal, but you have to admit, it’s gawjus.   And if I actually wrote in a journal, I would want this!


I think that the younger me would admire the older me, seriously.  Why?  Because I’m more sure of myself, I’ve learned to trust my gut, I’m not a pushover like I was when I was younger.  But I’m a broad, not a lady, unfortunately, because I really wish I was (were?) a lady.  But I’m not, and if I tried, I would be phony, and that’s one thing I’m not, I’m the real meal deal.  What you see is what you get.


It’s no surprise to all of you that I’m a shallow reader.  I devour trashy romance novels.  Well, not so trashy anymore, I’ve honed my reading skills, the trash is boring, I want a good storyline, and always a happy ending.  The best reads of 2013 - has to be my ongoing serial reading of Robin Carr’s Virgin River Series.  She’s up to book 15 now, and still going strong.  Such good books, set in a small mountain town with colorful characters, what’s not to love.  Anything Mary Kay Andrews writes is always on my to read list as well.  She has the best sense of humor, she’s always a fun escape.

And my watch list, Downton Abbey.  Hands down the best ever series that I’ve watched, possibly forever.  Wasn’t crazy about the direction the story went last year, but those Brits, they sure do know how to produce fascinating television.


To intentionally or unintentionally hurt someone’s feelings and not to take anyone for granted.  Live in the moment, it’s all we have.  Good friends and a wonderful family are truly a gift, keep those you love close to your heart.


Oh, this is an easy one.  I’m a jeans girl, always have been, always will be.  Of course I would need to be thin to pull this off, but it’s the ideal outfit, right?  Okay, skinny jeans with a great fade, awesome boots, vintage look, distressed soft, supple brown butter leather, high boots that come to my knees.   Tuck those jeans into the boots and top it with a long loose tunic sweater, preferably asymmetric, cream or oatmeal, fuzzy angora or soft cashmere.  Lots of bangles on both arms, some kind of long, statement earrings, hair a shoulder length bob, slightly shorter in the back, shiny and sleek, with fresh streaky color, super smoky eyes in shades of brown and gold.  Purse?  Oversized brown hobo bag, very distressed, leather soft as butter.  And what do I need to make this happen?  Well, first I need to lose lots more weight and have a boob job.  Can’t forget making the girls smaller, and a weave in my hair.  Cough up the big bucks for the clothes, hair and jewelry and that should do it.  Yeah, sure Jan, when pigs fly this will happen...


Oh boy, like I would give it away on here.  Ya, I probably would since I have no filter.  Ummmmmm, oh, I’ve got it!  I would really like a great picture of me and the grandkids, a natural pose with all of us laughing.  Sounds like a simple thing doesn’t it, but it never seems to happen. And to accomplish that we would probably need to take 100-150 pictures minimum to get a good one.  So I would also ask for patience from the photographer that took the pictures.  Family are you listening?


Well, it happened a few years ago at Canton Inn, our families (not the girls, just LC and the boys) favorite restaurant.  And for the most part, compliments make me uncomfortable, I’m not one to seek attention.  But I was at the buffet and this nice older gentleman (75ish) came up to me and said I was absolutely beautiful and wanted to know if he could hug me.  He didn’t look like a pervert, I was stunned, but I laughed,  opened my arms and gave him a big hug.  I was always glad I did that, such a simple thing and it was obviously important to him.  Maybe I reminded him of someone he once loved, or maybe he was a pervert, but I prefer not to think about that.


I have two, “When we know better, we do better” ~ Maya Angelou - and my favorite, the one Ryan told me “You can do just about anything if you just take your time."


Has to be when the kids told me they were pregnant with my grandchildren.  And now grandbaby No. 3 is coming in the spring.  I’m so blessed with these precious little souls.


We’ll, it’s obviously family and friends and my adored fur child, Maggie Moo.  But if I had to pick one perfect happy peaceful moment it would be about 15 years ago when hubby and I were landscaping The Gingerbread House.  We had gone to pick up a load of top soil in LC’s company pickup one pretty summer day, and it was down by the river.  The guys that loaded the dirt had just begun their lunch break, LC went off to talk to them, and he was parked right next to the river in a grove of trees.  Both doors were open, dappled sunlight twinkled through the trees and this warm, gentle, breeze was blowing over me.  I lay down and slept and it was the most perfect, blissful sleep I’ve ever had.  Then the workers finished lunch, fired up the backhoe, hubby came back, slammed the door, started the truck motor, and poof, it was over...


Would have to be blogging.  I began blogging years ago when Ryan was just out of college and living in Washington State.  I wrote a few entries just to keep in touch with him and he told me I would never do it.  Boy, was he wrong!  I’ve blogged forever now, and maybe it was a failure initially, because it took me a couple of attempts before it took hold, but wow, I have sure blabbed a lot of  nonsense over the years, with no intention of stopping now.


Well, that’s easy enough, I just blogged about this last week.  I want to fly fish, I really want to do this.  And when I think of more things to add to that list, I’ll be sure and give you an update.

So what are your 11 things?  Think about it...

Here’s a link to the original article




Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dick and Jane Flannel Sheets from the Vermont Country Store

Dick and Jane Sheets available at The Vermont Country Store


Are you struggling with someone on your Christmas list, somebody that you are clueless what to buy for a gift.  Well, you have to be of a certain age, but if you happen to be old(er), who wouldn’t love a set of these flannel sheets from the Vermont Country Store.  

Sadly, Dick and Jane are not around for kids these days, but people our age have such fond memories of them, and what a whimsical idea for a gift.   Well, not for me because I’m way too hot for flannel, and I somehow don’t think hubby would be a fan, but there just might be someone out there that would love these.  Wouldn’t these be perfect for a schoolteacher?  And if you know somebody, here’s the link...

And if Dick and Jane aren’t your thing, they also have Sock Monkey and Peanuts Flannel sheets.

I’m such a fan of this website, everything is so nostalgic, just takes me back to a gentler time...

Vermont Country Store - bookmark it, they’re just the BEST!

The Grandkids saw Santa today...


Ben wasn’t a fan of the old guy, but he’s oh so cute snuggling with Abby.  They’re  growing up so fast!

Abby's Christmas List 2013

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Dictated and signed by Abby.  Someday she will look back at this post and smile.  Grammie loves you, sweet Abby...

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